1. Abstract #300;Poster Bd #B19 题目: A multiplex DNA methylation assay for noninvasive early detection of gastric cancer. 多重DNA甲基化检测在胃癌早期无创检测中的应用 作者:中国广东,基准医疗Weimei Ruan等 2. Abstract #310;Poster Bd #C...
近年来,殷咏梅教授作为Leading PI和分中心PI参与了百余项新药临床试验,多项临床和基础研究成果参与国内外会议交流,包括国际著名会议ASCO、SABCS、ESMO、St. Gallen等。其中,SKB264(MK-2870)用于既往接受过治疗的激素受体阳性(HR+/ HER2- )...
GB491 (Lerociclib) has garnered international recognition at the 2023 ASCO annual meeting, which was successfully held in Chicago from 2 June to 6 June 2023:The research results of the LEONARDA-1 study were announced in the poster discussion session of the Metastatic Breast Cancer session ...
美国临床肿瘤学会(ASCO)年会是全球肿瘤领域最权威的学术交流盛会之一,2023年ASCO年会将于6月2日至6日在美国芝加哥举行。荣昌生物制药(烟台)股份有限公司维迪西妥单抗有4项研究入选本次会议,包括1项壁报展示(Poster Session),3项线上发表(Online Publication)。 维迪西妥单抗(商品名:爱地希®,研究代号RC48)是由荣昌...
近年来,殷咏梅教授作为Leading PI和分中心PI参与了百余项新药临床试验,多项临床和基础研究成果参与国内外会议交流,包括国际著名会议ASCO、SABCS、ESMO、St. Gallen等。其中,SKB264(MK-2870)用于既往接受过治疗的激素受体阳性(HR+/ HER2- )转移性乳腺癌(mBC):一项Ⅰ/Ⅱ期单臂、篮式试验临床研究的结果在ESMO大会上口...
InJune 2023, we presented, in the form of a poster, the latest data from the Phase I clinical study of CM313 for the treatment of RRMM and relapsed/refractory lymphoma at the 28th European Hematology Association (EHA) Congress 2023. CM313 exhibited a good safety profile in...
CNS Pharmaceuticals, Inc. today announced that its abstract has been selected for in-person poster presentation at the 2023 SNO/ASCO CNS Cancer Conference being held August 10-12, 2023 in San Francisco, CA.
于2023年6月2日至6月6日在芝加哥成功举办的2023年度美国临床肿瘤学会(ASCO)年会上,来罗西利(GB491,Lerociclib)获得国际认可。 标题为“Lerociclib联合氟维司群用于既往内分泌治疗进展的HR+/HER2-局部晚期或转移性乳腺癌患者的III期随机研究”,LEONARDA-1研究成果在转移性乳腺癌环节中以壁报讨论(Poster Discussion...
由世易医健 (eChinaHealth)、百利天恒 (SystImmune Inc.) 以及丁香园联合主办的 「2023 China Poster Highlights @ASCO Chicago」 网络会议,即将惊艳来袭!本次大会从 ASCO 年会众多出类拔萃的中国壁报中甄选了肺癌、头颈肿瘤、乳腺癌、血液肿瘤、胃肠道肿瘤、泌尿肿瘤和肉瘤等多个癌种的多项科研成果进行重点展示,...
Abstract # 391 A Multicenter, Phase 1 Study of AB011, a Recombinant Humanized Anti-CLDN18.2 Monoclonal Antibody (AB011), as Monotherapy and Combined with Capecitabine and Oxaliplatin (CAPOX) in Patients with Advanced Solid Tumors Jin Li1*, Hongming Pan2, Tianshu Liu3, Nong Xu4, Yanqiao ...