据香港媒体报道,中国香港足球总会1日宣布,港队退出原定晚间在卡塔尔举行的电竞版亚洲杯“AFC eAsian Cup 2023”。中国香港足球总会指日前发现比赛采用的游戏程序,未能正确显示“中国香港”的参赛队名,经连日与主办方交涉,仍未能妥善解决,按港协暨奥委会的指引和建议做出退出比赛的决定。比赛采用的游戏程序未能正确...
ASIA:AFC Asian Cup U17 - Play Offs Draw Final 02.07. 20:00 South Korea U17 Japan U17 0 3 Semi-finals 29.06. 22:00 South Korea U17 Uzbekistan U17 1 0 29.06. 18:00 Iran U17 Japan U17 0 3 Quarter-finals 26.06. 22:00 Saudi Arabia U17 ...
有意竞标或咨询的公司敬请通过rfp@fmasia.com与FMA 取得联系,提交申请的截止日期为2022年3月4日。 更多信息,登入亚足联官网: https://www.the-afc.com/en/national/afc_asian_cup/news/afc_announces_request_for_proposal_for_afc_asian_cup_china_2023%E2%84%A2_licensing__merchandising_programme_.html...
BEIJING, May 14 (Xinhua) -- The 2023 AFC Asia Cup football tournament will be relocated from China to a new place, the Chinese organizers confirmed on Saturday. The AFC has yet to decide on the new host. The upcoming edition of Asia's flagship national team competition was scheduled to ...
BEIJING, May 14 (Xinhua) -- The 2023 Asian Cup football tournament will be relocated from China to a new host, the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) and the tournament's Local Organizing Committee announced on Saturday. "Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Chinese Organizing Committee cannot ...
2023亞洲盃決賽周 AFC Asian Cup Qatar 2023™ 先作客阿聯酋,然後主場迎戰伊朗,巴勒斯坦 1. 阿聯酋UAE v 香港Hong Kong 日期Date:14/1/2024 時間Time:17:30 (UTC+3) 地點Venue:Khalifa International Stadi...
AFC Asian Cup China 2023 Qualifiers final round groups are as follows (H as host): Group A: Jordan, Kuwait (H), Indonesia, Nepal Group B: Palestine, Philippines, Yemen, Mongolia (H) Group C: Uzbekistan (H), Thailand, Maldives, Sri Lanka ...
AFC Asian Cup)将于2024年1月在卡塔尔举行 亚足联主席萨勒曼3月7日表示,亚足联亚洲杯(AFC Asian Cup)将于2024年1月在卡塔尔举行。朝里有人好做官呐!在亚足联尤其如此!不过,不管是谁主办,都希望能办好这个亚洲足球️的盛事!希望这届亚洲杯能像2022卡塔尔世界杯一样,成为一届精彩、公平的亚洲赛事。
Kuala Lumpur [Malaysia], April 6 (ANI): The AFC Asian Cup 2023 football competition will take place in Qatar from January 12 to February 10, 2024, and the Indian men's football team will participate along with the other top 23 countries in Asia. ...