2023年6月四六级翻译真题汇总 2023年6月四级第1段 功夫(Kung Fu)是中国武术(martial arts)旳俗称。中国武术旳来源可以追溯到自卫旳需要、狩猎活动以及古代中国旳军事训练。它是中国老式体育运动旳一种,年轻人和老年人都练。它已逐渐演变成了中国文化旳独特元素。它作为中国旳国宝,功夫有上百种不一样旳风格,是世界...
The Chinese government attaches great importance to people's healthy diet, and by vigorously boosting healthy diet, people have gained a deeper understanding of the importance of reasonable nutrition to promote health. Eating safely, nutritionally, and healthily is the fundamental demand for people to ...
2023年12月英语四级真题及参考答案 英语四级试卷采用多题多卷的形式,大家核对答案时,找出具体选项,忽略套数。 墨雨潇潇阁搜集整理了各个版本,仅供大家参考。 听力原文: 第一套 【Section A】 News Report 1 A police officer in the U. S. stopped a large SUV car that was going very slowly and drifting ...
cooking utensils and other necessities. During the journey, they often explore a few gorgeous scenic spots, but sometimes unexpected difficulties or emergencies will be in front of you. In
四级听力答案 听力第1套 1. C) Their brains work in harmony. 2. A) It can work both ways. 3. D) Find out more about their ancestry. 4. B) They were born to the same mother. 5. B) The beautiful beach was spoiled with lots of trash. ...
会飞的咸鱼:英语四六级 | 2023年6月四六级考试流程及考生须知3 赞同 · 1 评论文章 会飞的咸鱼:四六级口语常考知识点0 赞同 · 0 评论文章 四级听力理解答案 听力 第1套 1.D)She was accused of violating a city law. 2.A)It will take time to solve the rat problem. 3.B)Work in an environm...
四级阅读理解答案 (注:四六级考试是花卷,大家对答案时要看选项内容,不要只核对ABCD。) 四级翻译试题及参考译文 注:答案以最终出版的试卷为准。 完整版答案与详解,敬请期待华研外语出版的 突破2023.12《英语四级真题集训》、 《英语四级真题考试指南》 英语四级估...
6月全国大学英语四级翻译真题及答案 公交车曾是中国人出行旳重要交通工具。近年来,由于私家车数量不停增多,都市旳交通问题越来越严重。许 多都市为了鼓励更多人乘坐公交车出行,一直努力改善公交车旳服务质量。车辆旳设施不停更新,车速也有了 明显提高。然而,公交车旳票价却仍然相称低廉。目前,在大多数都市,许多当地...
四级阅读理解答案 (注:四六级考试是花卷,大家对答案时要看选项内容,不要只核对ABCD。) 四级翻译试题及参考译文 注:答案以最终出版的试卷为准。 完整版答案与详解,敬请期待华研外语出版的 突破2024.6《英语四级真题集训》、 《英语四级真题考试指南》 贺: 华研...
12023年12月英语四级真题及参考答案整理 01第一套 【题目】The Most Impressive Aspects of University【范文】Opinions vary greatly when it comes to what in the university impresses you the most. But in my opinion, attending university leaves a lasting impression on students’ growth, and there are ...