完整版:2023年3月18日托福口语机经 2023年3月18日托福口语机经(下午场) Task 1:Some people like to get advice from their parents. Others prefer to get advice from their peers. Which do you prefer and why? 【重复2021.10.23考题】 完整版:2023年3月18日托福口语机经(下午场) 2023年3月19日托福口...
它会在走路的时候非常紧贴着地面,这样子就只会形成一点点的影子,然后这样子predator就很难就去定位到它。 通过本页面成功报名托福公开讲座的同学们,扫码添加助教Una老师,即可获得托福备考书籍一本,并且免费包邮到家哦~ 0元多节干货讲座 全科技巧直播讲解 直播间还有超多实物好礼 扫码报名 ↓↓↓ 免费报名链接:https...
01.首先,我们要明确自己目前的阅读和听力水平。 如果综合口语部分的阅读看不懂、听力听不懂,那么你需要先去背单词、学习阅读技巧、练习听力精听,然后再来练习托福口语。 02.其次,我们要明确Task的答题方法,在这个基础上开展的练习才能是有效的。 03.限时作答,反复多练 不管自己每次做的多烂,都要做到限时作答;不管...
【S1】Task3,说的是一个名词 depending signaling,意思就是说那个动物们之间可以发出各种信号,这个信号的味道可以向别的动物传递一些信息。然后教授就举了一个一种猴子叫(lemur),然后说做了一个实验,然后这种猴子如果感受到了是健康的那种猴子发出的味道,他们就会离开,如果是不健康的猴子就是受伤了的猴子他们就不会...
Task 1 命中口语机经 6 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Schools should spend as much time teaching students about world history as they do teaching students about the history of their own countries.Use examples and details to explain your answer. Task 2 第二题是体育馆应...
Task 1命中口语机经 77 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Because of the increasing popularity of entertainment technology, fewer people are taking the time to read books for pleasure. Fiona 范文👇 口语预测戳这里👇 Task 2 ...
2023年托福口语机经考情分析2023.6.28-2023.7.23独立口语题 题号 主题 题目 1 帮助 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Happiness comes from helping others rather than helping yourself.Use reasons and examples to explain your opinion. 2 帮助 Do you agree or disagree with the ...
https://liuxue.87dh.com/ 对于想练习托福口语的同学来说,机经是比较口语用来进行练习的好材料,那么下面就和小钟老师一起来看看2023年7月7日托福口语机经。Task 1One of your friend decided to study more courses in order to graduate one year earlier, do you agree or not agree?Task 2...