【1】https://dod.defense.gov/Portals/1/Documents/pubs/2018-National-Defense-Strategy-Summary.pdf 【2】https://breakingdefense.com/2021/12/the-pentagons-new-strategy-might-already-be-behind-the-times-2022-preview/ 【3】https://www.defenseone.co...
A“NationalSecurityStrategyofJapan,”December16,2022,https://www.cas.go.jp/jp/siryou/ 221216anzenhoshou/nss-e.pdf;“NationalDefenseStrategy,”December16,2022,https://www.mod. go.jp/j/policy/agenda/guideline/strategy/pdf/strategy_en.pdf;“DefenseBuildupProgram,”December ...
We will improve the layout of defense science, technology and industry.We will finish reforming the defense mobilization system and raise public awareness of national defense. Government at all levels must give strong support to the developmen...
https://media.defense.gov/2022/Mar/01/2002947139/-1/-1/0/CTR_NSA_NETWORK_INFRASTRUCTURE_SECURITY_GUIDANCE_20220301.PDF 4.日本多部门发布公告,提请政府机构与关键基础设施运营商加强网络安全措施 https://www.meti.go.jp/english/press/2022/0301_003.html 5. 美国CISA发布《应急通信资金应急计划指南》 htt...
“kept up with the times,” in part because of China’s dynamic and adaptive approaches. But that is not enough. CCICED has to be ahead of the times in its thinking and advice. As pointed out by some senior Chinese colleagues in government, “Please do not tell us what we already ...
For more analysis on anti-corruption enforcement and related developments over the past year, we invite you to join us for our upcoming complimentary webcast presentation on March 28, 2023:FCPA 2022 Year-End Update. FCPA OVERVIEW The FCPA’s anti-bribery provisions make it illegal to corruptly ...
nation and public interest, both of which are currently lacking. This is sad for a country that has long held itself up as a model. In 2022, the Swedish think tank International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance added the US to its “list of regressive ...
受此影响,当下基于传统的《国际武器贸易条例(ITAR)》和《美国军需清单(USML)》的管控已经被较少被讨论,民用与两用物项管控日渐主流。美《出口管理条例(EAR)》项下《商务控制清单(CCL)》不断扩容,工具包括实体清单 (Entity List)、未经核实清单(UVL)、军事最终用途/用户清单 (MEU)等等。美出口管制有两大趋势值得...
国际战略研究中心-2022财年美国军队:空军(英).pdf,NOVEMBER 2021 U.S. Military Forces in FY 2022 Air Force Mark F. Cancian This paper is part of U.S. Military Forces in FY 2022. The Air Force continues developing and procuring next- generation aircraft to
This is an important reference for us as we continue to improve our sustainability governance and transparency. In 2022, after a comprehensive analysis and re-prioritization of our material topics, the following adjustments were made to our materiality matrix: "Stakeholder engagement" was added to ...