10 月,DOD 发布《2022 年美国国防战略》(2022 National Defense Strategy),提出通过运用网络威慑手段、开展进攻性网络空间行动和提高网络空间能力等方式应对竞争挑战并获取军事优势。 在美军网络司令部层面,11 月,美国网络司令部与国防高级...
【1】https://dod.defense.gov/Portals/1/Documents/pubs/2018-National-Defense-Strategy-Summary.pdf 【2】https://breakingdefense.com/2021/12/the-pentagons-new-strategy-might-already-be-behind-the-times-2022-preview/ 【3】https://www.defenseone.co...
Zhao Lijian: We have noted the National Defense Strategy (NDS) released by the US government. Just like the latest National Security Strategy released by the White House, the 2022 NDS plays up major-country competition and deliberately misrepresents China’s foreign and defense policies. It is dr...
10 月,DOD 发布《2022 年美国国防战略》(2022 National Defense Strategy),提出通过运用网络威慑手段、开展进攻性网络空间行动和提高网络空间能力等方式应对竞争挑战并获取军事优势。 在美军网络司令部层面,11 月,美国网络司令部与国防高级研究计划局(DARPA)签署合作谅解备忘录,建立合作伙伴关系,启动“星座”计划试点项目...
【知远导读】本文编译自美国米切尔航空航天研究所2021年6月15日发表的政策文件:Building A Force That Wins: Recommendations For The 2022 National Defense Strategy(《建设一支制胜部队——为2022年<国防战略>建言献策》)。该报告认为,三大问题可能会增加美国在大国冲突中的失败风险,即2018年《国防战略》采用大国战...
The Department will relentlessly continue to The Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 National Defense Strategy (NDS) collaborate with our North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Allies articulates a vision and direction for the Department of Defense and Partners to reinforce robust deterrence in the face of ...
https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/2980584/dod-transmits-2022-national-defense-strategy/ 5. 澳大利亚政府承诺将制定新法律,打击虚假信息 https://www.infrastructure.gov.au/department/media/news/new-disinformation-laws 6. 美国总统拜登发表声明,呼吁美国私营公司加强网络防御,以防俄罗斯发动...
Wang Wenbin: The above-mentioned US national defense strategy report is full of Cold War and bloc confrontation mentality. China and Russia are two major countries. The US attempt to contain and suppress them will not succeed. The US should reflect on its due responsibilities in the Ukraine cri...
In principle, I want to point out that the US, without providing any facts about offense, revoked the Chinese company’s license in the US with the excuse of “national security” again. This flagrant abuse of the national security concept and the use of state power to hobble Chinese compan...