2022年10月27日,国防部发布了非保密的《国防战略》(National Defense Strategy)、《核态势评估》(Nuclear Posture Review)和《导弹防御评估》(Missile Defense Review)。 拜登总统指出,我们正处于一个“决定性的十年”,它充满地缘政治、技术、经济因素和环境的急剧变化。 《2022年国防战略》(2022 National Defense Stra...
A“NationalSecurityStrategyofJapan,”December16,2022,https://www.cas.go.jp/jp/siryou/ 221216anzenhoshou/nss-e.pdf;“NationalDefenseStrategy,”December16,2022,https://www.mod. go.jp/j/policy/agenda/guideline/strategy/pdf/strategy_en.pdf;“DefenseBuildupProgram,”December ...
【1】https://dod.defense.gov/Portals/1/Documents/pubs/2018-National-Defense-Strategy-Summary.pdf 【2】https://breakingdefense.com/2021/12/the-pentagons-new-strategy-might-already-be-behind-the-times-2022-preview/ 【3】https://www.defenseone.co...
4. 美国国防部提交《2022年国防战略》 https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/2980584/dod-transmits-2022-national-defense-strategy/ 5. 澳大利亚政府承诺将制定新法律,打击虚假信息 https://www.infrastructure.gov.au/department/media/news/new-disinformation-laws 6. 美国总统拜登发表声明,呼吁...
last year, we made major strides in strengthening national defense and the armed forces, getting off to a good start in this endeavor in the 14th five-year plan period. this year, we will fully implement xi jinping...
national security strategy and investment options. CSBA’s analysis focuses on key questions related to existing and emerging threats to U.S. national security, and its goal is to enable policymakers to make informed decisions on matters of strategy, security policy, and resource allocation. ©...
next 20 years. The report shall also address United States-China engagement and cooperation on security matters during the period covered by the report, including through United States-China military-to-military contacts, and the United States strategy for such engagement and cooperation in the ...
International and Domestic Cooperation Strategy (2022–2035) for CCICED Especially during 2019/2020/2021, there have been many calls for intensified efforts to accelerate action regarding eco-environmental and other global emergencies such as COVID-19. Some of this attention has targeted the need for...
September 2022 Huawei Digital Power released its first Sustainability Report and proposed the "ZERO" (zero-carbon enablement, empower with digitalization, responsible operations, and one-mind growth) sustainability strategy. September 2022 The Network Carbon Intensity energy (NCIe) indicator, which is a...
strategy would rely on the traditional Alliance framework or instead be based on a fragmented structure of ‘ad hoc coalitions’ was unclear. Be that as it may, the RCN’s role within the scheme of national security now had two sides: the first was an Arctic reorientation, which increasingly...