《2021语言趋势报告》《Special report: Asian and Pacific language trends on Duolingo》
《2021语言趋势报告》 《Special report: Asian and Pacific language trends on Duolingo》
图源:2022 Duolingo Language Report 近日全球最大的语言学习社区多邻国(Duolingo)正式发布了《2022全球语言学习趋势报告》,该报告来自全球超过5亿多邻国学习用户的数据,通过分析各国用户感兴趣的语言种类,以及地域、时间等因素对用户产生的影响,总结了全球最新的语言学习趋势。 外语学习的首要动机:教育(36%),尤其是对于...
《Special report: Asian and Pacific language trends on Duolingo》
2022 was an exciting year in testing, as policy shifts and online testing made headlines—and Duolingo continued to lead the pack in testing innovation and access. Just like our learning app uses technology and data to make language learn...
as policy shifts and onlinetestingmade headlines—and Duolingo continued to lead the pack in testing innovation and access. Just like our learning app uses technology and data to make language learning fun, the Duolingo English Test harnesses technology to make language testing more efficient and eff...
德国排名第二的是俄语,中国是日语。 学习一门新语言所需的时间与等待是一项物有所值的付出。学习目的地的母语不仅使旅行或游学、留学更轻松,而且也是表达对当地人民及风俗习惯尊重的最佳方式之一。2023,一起来西班牙学地道的西班牙语吧! 数据来源:2022 Duolingo Language Report...
2022 was an exciting year in testing, as policy shifts and online testing made headlines—and Duolingo continued to lead the pack in testing innovation and access. Just like our learning app uses technology and data to make language learning fun, the Duolingo English Test harnesses technology to...
这两天递交了托福和duolingo的成绩。MIT的research portfolio和visual art portfolio也交了,看看啥时候得空交主申请 2021.10.27 MIT已递交 他那网站就离谱。。。最后一页按钮上是Review and Submit,没想到手贱按了一下就直接submit了。。。直接给我发邮件说收到申请了,让我去付钱。。。 幸好文书和信息表都已经填...
1. TOEFL/IELTS/Duolingo Waiver Policy: In order to waive the TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo English Test requirement, applicants may submit the following: 1) Official documentation stating that they have completed a bachelor’s or master’s degree fro...