2021 International Arbitration Survey: Adapting arbitration to a changing world Title intial caps only goes here I Contents Executive summary Page 2 International arbitration: Current choices and future adaptations Page 5 Diversity on arbitral tribunals: What's the prognosis? Page 15 Use of technology...
由伦敦玛丽女王大学组织开展的国际仲裁调查项目,是目前深受国际仲裁业界关注和认可的一项系统性调查活动。继2018年报告发布后,2021年其再度发布名为《2021国际仲裁调查:让仲裁适应变动中的世界》(2021 International Arbitration Survey: Adapting arbitration to a changing world)(以下简称《报告》)的报告。该《报告》立足...
热点一:我国城市和仲裁机构进入全球最受欢迎仲裁地和仲裁机构行列,中国仲裁的国际影响力日益彰显。2021年5月,《2021年国际仲裁调查报告》(2021 International Arbitration Survey)发布。香港、北京和上海入选全球最受欢迎的十大仲裁地,香港国际仲裁中心(HKIAC)和中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(CIETAC)位列全球最受欢迎的仲裁机...
(点击蓝字,跳转相应链接) From 2021 International Arbitration Survey: Adapting arbitration to a changing world 04 推动世界商法的完善与发展 2021年1月,Eduardo Silva Romero先生就任国际商会世界商法研究所主席,提出了一个有关研究、培训和教育的宏大议程。在Silva Romero先生的领导下,国际商会世界商法研究所于5月...
Survey the emergent field of third-party funding Explore strategic considerations arising from the enforcement of arbitral awards Consider possible reforms of ISDS Find more items tagged as:Commercial Disputes,International Arbitration,Investor-State Arbitration,Litigation and Dispute Resolutio...
and the opening ceremony of the 2021 Shanghai Arbitration Week took place on 8 November, and for the first time, Shanghai was ranked among the top ten most popular international arbitration venues in the world, coming in eighth place according to the published International Arbitration Survey ...
does not simply pay up. Mr. Gaon says he was told at one point that 10% 18 on the debt to someone high up in the finance ministry would solve things. 19 off Mr. Gaon costs much in legal fees. Not accepting international judgments sits ill with the current Kremlin line 20 the rule ...
She has particular expertise in international arbitration, New Zealand commercial dispute resolution, public international law, public law and climate risk. Effective in developing case and advocacy strategy, she has broad experience before international arbitral tribunals and in domestic courts. Nicola ...
studied and discussed problems related to punitive damages forinfringement ofintellectual property rights. They prepared theResearch Report on the System of Punitive Damages forInfringement ofIntellectual Property Rightsbased on extensive survey, developedGuidelines ...
As COVID-19 forced many people to work remotely, a survey conducted by a cybersecurity company found that remote work led to security breaches at up to 20% of companies surveyed in 2020.[273] Indeed, some of the world’s largest businesses experienced data breaches in 2020, including ...