Fiona的英语美食 翻译一枚~十本译著关注【考研英语一】2021年大作文真题完整范文 | 整合版发布于 2021-12-19 12:57 · 3182 次播放 赞同2添加评论 分享收藏喜欢 举报 考研英语作文考研考研英语考研咨询考研复习考研英语一 ...
以下是2021年考研英语一大作文试题及答案。 Part B (15 points) 【题干】Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following In your essay, you should 1) describe the drawing briefly, 2) explain its intended meaning, and then 3) give your You should write neatly on ANSWER ...
2021年考研英语一大作文范文 Write an essay of 160 - 200 words based on the following picture. In your essay, you should 1) describe the picture briefly, 2) interpret its intended meaning, and 3) give your comments. The picture portrays a father and his son engaged in a conversation. The...
【英语一大作文范文】 Emerging from the cartoon is an eye-catching scene that a mass of graduates are at a critical turning point on the way to the future. A variety of choices, such as finding a job, going further education or abroad, and doing pioneering work, lie in front of them....
2021年考研英语一大作文解析及范文 今年考研英语一大作文考的是坚持,为大家提供2019考研英语一大作文解析及范文,一起来看看考研英语一大作文怎样写吧! 2021年考研英语一大作文解析 52: Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the picture below. In your essay, you should: 1) Describe the ...
首先第一个是能够压中作文题,压中作文题不是一件简单的事情,需要以下几个条件。 第一个条件是话题要全。近几年考研英语写作大作文是给出一幅漫画,也就是一个话题,然后我们围绕这个话题去写作,考试中给出的话题基本上都是社会上的热点话题。一本考研英语写作书要想能够压中题,首先肯定就是要话题全,能够涵盖所...