看看2021补充卷的改错 个人觉得没有那末虐 先看眼答题卡 过过眼瘾 睁大眼睛 取自网络 来吧 艾姐带你飞 拿小本本记好 第一句 As people age, the brain changes in both good ways and bad. 没有错 继续往下看 略过此句 第二句 If you are over 20, your cognitive performance is probably already...
to join two pieces of metal together permanently by melting the parts that touch焊接,锻接(金属) Iron spikes have been welded (on) to the railings around the embassy. 大使馆周围的护栏上都焊上了铁刺尖头。 assemblage the process of joining or putting things together组合;装配 ceramic a pot or ...
专四talk:从1.5分到8分的反转之路 以下请认真看,全是学姐压箱底的干货,一点点 从1.5分摸索到8分以上的。你们找到适合自己的,并勤加练习。 根据2016-2019的真题发现,可 按原文写的答案有8-9个,需要总结归纳的有1-2个,并… 九乐 专四完形填空技巧 给大家总结一下关于专四完形填空的一些小tips啦 学习方法...
a long, wide hole that is dug all the way around a place such as a castle and usually filled with water, to make it more difficult to attack(城堡等的)护城河,城壕 shroud to hide something by covering or surrounding it遮蔽;覆盖;隐藏 Suddenly all the lights went out and the house was sh...
上翻译 As people age, the brain changes in both good ways and bad. 随着年龄的增长,大脑的变化有好有坏。 If you are over 20, your cognitive performance is probably alreadyon the wane. The speed with which people can process information (1)declines at a steady rate from as early as their...
a number of usually flat and/or small objects pressed tightly together一叠;一捆;一卷 a wad of banknotes一叠钞票 第六段 opaque preventing light from travelling through, and therefore not transparent or translucent不透明的;不透光的 opaque glass/tights不透明的玻璃/连裤袜 ...
a number of usually flat and/or small objects pressed tightly together一叠;一捆;一卷 a wad of banknotes一叠钞票 第六段 opaque preventing light from travelling through, and therefore not transparent or translucent不透明的;不透光的 opaque glass/tights不透明的玻璃/连裤袜 ...
第一段 cauldron a large, round container for cooking in, usually supported over a fire, and used especially in the past(通常指架在火上的)大锅 bound up closely connected or involved紧密相关的;有密切联系的The survival of whales is intimately bound up with the health of the ocean. ...