Chemistry does not have specific question types like Physics and Bio do. Questions 1-3 (long questions) are similar to what will be asked this year. Are AP chemistry students still able to use a calculator? Yes,calculatorsare allowed as they typically are for the FRQ section. Will students ...
具体让人觉得不负责任和欠考虑的地方就是出题形式。举例说明:下图是CB官网对AP Physics C Mechanics所...
AP物理 C 电磁学(AP Physics C:Electricity & Magnetism) 是以微积分为基础,也属于美国大学理工科专业,第一学期的专业基础课。 那么学习四科AP物理,分别需要什么先决条件呢? AP物理 1&2:最好有不错的初中物理基础,学过预备微积分 Pre-calculus 会更好。 AP物理 C 力学&电磁学:至少需要微积分AB的知识基础,...
2, 3, 4, or 5 on the AP Physics C: Mechanics exam: Percent of students receiving a 5: 30.2% Percent of students receiving a 4: 27.3% Percent of students receiving a 3: 19.7% Percent of students receiving a 2: 12.7% Percent of students receiving a 1: 10.0% In 2019, here are the...
AP生物 最新版官方样题 选择题+问答题+公式汇总 (含答案) AP Biology Formulas Multiple-Choice + Free-Response Sample Questions.pdf 19页VIP 内容提供方:资料分享库 大小:1.11 MB 字数:约5.66万字 发布时间:2022-05-08发布于北京 浏览人气:240 下载次数:仅上传者可见 收藏次数:1 需要金币:*** ...
改到连亲妈都不认识了 就考一两道FRQ,还开卷,在线考,部分大学说不定都不认 对亚洲考生及其不友好...
My grandfather picks up quartz and valuable onyx jewels. Send 60 dozen quart jars and 12 black ...
1. Introduction As the climate grows warmer [1,2], huge numbers of publications on air temperature changes are being released. The greatest warming of the climate has been observed in Europe [3], and the scenarios of change imply that the warming is bound to intensify [4]. Recent research...