第二题题干提供的信息主要是Glycogen分解可以生成Glycolysis的中间物Glucose-6-Phosphate,kinase(包括PKB,GSK,PK,他们之间会互相影响)可以将ATP里面的phosphate group传送到glycogen synthase和glycogen phosphorylase的氨基酸上从而影响glycogen的生成和分解。 A)这道题给出了一个变化点:glucagon receptor一直处于被激活的状态。
https://apcoronavirusupdates.collegeboard.org/students/open-book-tips https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/courses/ap-biology/exam
AP生物 最新版官方样题 选择题+问答题+公式汇总 (含答案) AP Biology Formulas Multiple-Choice + Free-Response Sample Questions.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 AP生物最新版官方样题选择题+问答题+公式汇总(含答案)APBiologyFormulasMultiple-Choice+Free-ResponseSampleQuestions...
makeup testing window, or exception testing window, the College Board has offered one “final” chance to take a 2020 AP Exam: the August AP Testing for Students with Incomplete Exams testing window on August 24-31. Here
此外,还有一些AP科目的5分比率等于或低于10%,如: English Language & Composition (10.1%); Environmental Science (9.5%); English Literature & Composition (6.2%); Biology(7.1%)等。 这些科目5分比率低的原因各不相同。 AP生物 AP生物由于英文名词众多,非常复杂,导致很多考生难以招架,相关FRQ的表述又不到位...
(AP physics 1) John, can you please clarify on how to differentiate the new practice FRQ's from the traditional FRQ's in AP classroom? Any descriptive markings?I think there was a little green circle icon in AP Classroom. Search for FRQs and look for the ones with the icon. Will the...
My grandfather picks up quartz and valuable onyx jewels. Send 60 dozen quart jars and 12 black ...
今年的AP Biology Q1和Q2考察的都是signaling transduction pathways有关的知识点。Q1侧重光对于pigments生成的影响,而Q2更多的是在考察具体的kinase molecule对于glycogen synthase和glycolysis的影响。 两道题的题干和知识点并不难理解,且考点较少,不过具体的pathways比较细致,需要一定的逻辑推断能力。 下面我们来看看两...