所属专辑:历年大学英语六级翻译真题 喜欢下载分享 声音简介 翻译原文: 《水浒传》是中国文学四大经典小说之一。这部小说基于历史人物宋江及其伙伴反抗封建帝王的故事,数百年来一直深受中国读者的喜爱。毫不夸张地说,几乎每个中国人都熟悉小说中的一些主要人物。这部小说中的精彩故事在茶馆、戏剧舞台、广播电视、电影屏幕和...
大学英语六级2020年9月第1套 听力原文 Section A Conversation one. M:You are a professor of physics at the university of Oxford. You're a senior advisor at the European organization for nuclear research. You also seem to tour the globe tirelessly giving talks. And In addition, you have your...
简介:关注公众号“学生资讯中心”,四六级真题高清无水印公众号获取;更多考研、竞赛、活动等信息(资料免费) TA的专辑 更多 初中英语必背单词|有效利用孩子空闲时间1117 全网最新最全英语六级听力合辑(视频字幕版)5155 全网最新最全英语四级听力合辑(视频字幕版)7465 全网最新最全英语四级听力合辑9186 普通地质学(舒良树...
RECORDING 1 What is a radical (adj. 根本的,彻底的;)? It seems today that people are terrified of the term, particularly of having the label attach to them. Accusing individuals or groups of being radical often serves to silence them into submission (n. 屈服,投降;), thereby, maintaining ...
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