A radar revolution is underway, made possible by the rapid evolution of digital electronics, and powered by new innovative architectures, advanced components, novel waveforms and sophisticated processing techniques. Please join us in historic Boston, birthplace of the original American Revolution, as we ...
大会官网:IEEE 30th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2019) 会议特色:通信领域著名国际会议,每年举办一届,规模通常可达3-4千人。 09 会议名称:International Radar Conference 时间地点:2019年9月23日,法国图伦 大会官网:radar2019.org/ 会议特色:国际雷达会议...
The International Radar Symposium aims to provide a forum for both academic and industrial professionals in radar from all over the world and to bring together academicians, researchers, engineers, system analysts, graduate and undergraduate students with government and non-government organizations to sha...
The broad range of today’s security threats can take the lives of civilians and servicemembers, cost nations hundreds of millions of dollars, undermine confidence in capital markets and infrastructure, and even unleash international humanitarian crises that defy borders. Lessons of History No nation ...
3487 RRPN: Radar Region Proposal Network for Object Detection in Autonomous Vehicles 1029 SAFE-NET: SOLID AND ABSTRACT FEATURE EXTRACTION NETWORK FOR PEDESTRIAN ATTRIBUTE RECOGNITION 1156 Salience Guided Pooling in Deep Convolutional Networks 1481 SALIENCY COMPUTATIONAL MODEL FOR FOGGY IMAGES BY FUSING FREQU...
At the 2019 International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC2019),imec described its radar transceiveras an efficient, low-cost solution for presence detection in smart building solutions. The power consumption of the radar is below 1mW, which is 100 times lower than other solutions. It is ca...
First, speaking to the body of work on democratic backsliding, it shows how domestic sectoral bureaucracies alongside national policy communities make use of the growing global circulation of domestic policies, and of “the international/transnational”Footnote 2 more broadly, as means to resist policy...
NOTEWORTHY EVENTSThe event roster this year has included E-Prix in Rome, MSC Bellissima ship-naming ceremony, Spring Festival Dammam, the closing ceremony for the Camel Festival Saudi, the Euroleague Final 4 Ceremonies, Campari Red Diaries 2019 International Launch, Iveco international launch, and Wa...
As an interdisciplinary international conference this conference welcomes ideas outside of the box, interdisciplinary collaborations as well as new topics for research which may be outside of mainstream. Conference Tracks (It will of course welcome papers on but by no means restricted to in existing...
RADARSIGNAL processingPASSIVE radarELECTRONIC data processingNowadays, 70-85% of the cost of modern warfare equipment is software-based solutions and services. These software modules define the quality and efficiency of the signal and data processing of the information of different sensors typ...