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DJI 大疆首款教育机器人「机甲大师 S1」,秉承寓教于乐的教育理念,将编程教育和人工智能、机器人竞技相结合,鼓励青少年培养编程思维,并通过任务式的挑战,持续激励孩子自主学习、玩出名堂。 机甲大师 S1鼓励孩子将 200 多个零件模块和螺丝,逐步组装成一个完整的、由孩子亲手完成的机器,让孩子从动手中学会自主学习。
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This new scope from Leupold is based on the solid VX-Freedom line—with a sensible one-inch main tube and equally sensible 3-9x40mm configuration. The big selling point for Legend shooters is a pre-calibrated dial set up for the cartridge’s ballistics. Weight is just 12.2 ounces and lengt...
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