一、欧盟计划2018年夏季之前推出利用区块链力量打击假新闻 欧盟认定区块链技术是将命名为“虚假信息行为守则”(Code of Practice on Disinformation)的重要部分,计划于2018年夏季之前推出。 根据最近欧盟发布的新闻,区块链技术是“一项新兴技术之一,将改变信息产生及传播的方式,具备长期解决虚假信息的中心作用的潜力”。 ...
一、欧盟计划2018年夏季之前推出利用区块链力量打击假新闻 欧盟认定区块链技术是将命名为“虚假信息行为守则”(Code of Practice on Disinformation)的重要部分,计划于2018年夏季之前推出。 根据最近欧盟发布的新闻,区块链技术是“一项新兴技术之一,将改变信息产生及传播的方式,具备长期解决虚假信息的中心作用的潜力”。 ...
In practice, though, the allowance often represents a lucrative giveaway to developers like Mr. Trump and Mr. Kushner. The law assumes that buildings’ values decline every year when, in reality, they often gain value. Its enormous flexibility allows real estate investors to determine their own...
The overlap between many purple regions and regions with distinct patterns of consuming news in print or online media would have only magnified the divides where social media platforms spread disinformation–that infamous “fake news”–to gain a purchase as real in our political system. Even if t...
In an attempt to attract more tourists and expat visitors, Saudi Arabia is now relaxing its strict female dress code policy. As part of a push to make the Kingdom a major tourist destination, the Saudi government is preparing to launch a new visa regime aimed at 49 world countries as well...
Trolls are to be found on every social media platform, and few have as intimate an experience and knowledge of trolling than Marianna Spring, the BBC’s first disinformation and social media correspondent. She discusses her book Among the Trolls, in which she tracks down both trolls and their...
of the Administrative Offenses Code by decision of the Russian Constitutional Court, but the police are willing to make it the “general rule for the assignment of administrative penalties.” Meanwhile, the Russian Justice Ministry has reported to the Council of Europe on measures it has taken in...
socially engineer victims at human or superhuman levels of performance), physical security (e.g. non-state actors weaponizing consumer drones), and political security (e.g. through privacy-eliminating surveillance, profiling, and repression, or through automated and targeted disinformation campaigns). ...
Mi et al. o 48 Cryo-EM structure of a herpesvirus ON T HE COVER n A PALEOANTHROPOLOGY p capsid at 3.1 Å S. Yuan et al. Environmental dynamics during the Przewalski’s horses, r i 86 l RESEARCH ARTICLE S UMMARY; FOR FULL onset of the Middle Stone Age in represented by this ,8...