20181 2018AMC10A Problem 1 What is the value of 下列算式的值是多少 Problem 2 Liliane has more soda than Jacqueline,and Alice has more soda than Jacqueline.What is the relationship between the amounts of soda that Liliane and Alice have?Liliane 有的汽水比Jacqueline 多50%,Alice 有的汽水比...
2018年美国数学竞赛(AMC10A)的试题与详细解答 中学数学教学试题解题方法1. What is the value of(((2 + 1)-1 + 1)-1 + 1)-1 + 1?李湖南中学数学研究(华南师范大学):上半月
内容提示: 中学数学研究 l7 2018年美国数学竞赛 (AMC10A)的试题与详细解答 广东省华南师范大学数学科学学院 (510631) 李湖南 1.Whatisthevalue o ((2+1)一 +1)一 +1)一 +17 (A) (B) 11(c);( D)订 18(E) 15 译文: (((2+1)-1+1) +1) +1的值是多少? 解 直接计算,可得 (B)正确. 2...
1 2018AMC10A Problem 3 Aunitofbloodexpiresafter seconds.Yasindonatesaunitofbloodatnoon ofJanuary 1.Onwhatdaydoeshisunitofbloodexpire? 一个单位的血液会在 秒后 期。Yasin在一月一日中午捐献了一个单位的 血液。何时他的血液会 期? Problem4 Howmanywayscanastudentschedule mathematicscourses--algebra,...
待分类 > 待分类 > 2018amc10a试题及答案 打印 转格式 122阅读文档大小:1.62M8页29376a49d7上传于2021-04-24格式:PDF
dislike vote. At one point Sangho saw that his video had a score of 90, and that of the votes cast on his video were like votes. How many votes had been cast on Sangho's video at that point?2018 AMC 10A Problems Problem 1 Problem 2 Problem 3 Problem 4 Problem 5 Problem 6 ...
= 4:? (A) 12 (B) 14 (C) 16 (D) 18 (E) 20 2018 AMC 10A Answer Key 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 B A E E D B E C E A 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 E C D A D D C D E B 21 22 23 24 25 E D D D D...
What IS the greatest possible value of rr + ft + ? for which there are at least two values of n such that Cn 几=瓷?(A) 12(B) 14(C) 16(D) 18(E) 202018 AMC 10A An swer Key12345678910BAEEDBECEA11121314151617181920ECDADDCDEB2122232425EDDDD...