The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Dec. 21, 2017 IGN's Game of the Year 20172017 was by far one of the best years in gaming history, but only one game can win IGN's Game of the Year award... Copy Link + 10:34 IGN Deconstructed: No Straight Roads 10:34 IGN ...
游戏大奖 TGA(The Game Awards)是由加拿大游戏媒体人杰夫·吉斯利主办并主持的电子游戏奖项,在其众多奖项中,每年的 年度最佳游戏(Game of The Year)被视为游戏业界中最为重要的荣誉。TGA奖项可以看作是曾举办了10年的斯派克电子游戏大奖VGA(Spike Video Game Awards)的接替者。今天为您盘点下2013-2017年的五...
IGN's Game of the Year 2017 [吃瓜]
年度最佳游戏(Game of The Year) 获得者是:《塞尔达传说:荒野之息》 其他提名游戏: 《地平线:黎明时分》、《女神异闻录5》、《绝地求生大逃杀》、《超级马里奥:奥德赛》 最佳动作游戏(Best Action Game) 获得者是:《德军总部2:新巨像》 其他提名游戏: 《茶杯头》、《命运2》、《仁王》、《掠食》 最佳角色...
the highest score. That's because reviews are the opinion of an individual critic around the time of release, while Game of the Year is decided by IGN's staff as a group near the end of the year. But all of the games below impressed us mightily at the time of review, and are ...
Especially considering the game is actually centered around perspectives and art design, it’s impressive that Monument Valley 2’s art style is so
总的来说如果下半年不出现什么怪物级别的3A的话,而且能出DLC把剧情再补得更完整一些(尤其是关于Morgan本人的剧情),Prey(2017)估计能冲击一下今年的Game of the Year。细节丰富,脑洞很大,自由度高,次世代的画面外加非常不错的优化(i5+1070,1080p最高,全程只有关发电机的时候往下看有点掉帧),以及能把捡垃圾做得...
年度版The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Game of the Year Edition :原价158 现价79 折扣50% 14.Grand Theft Auto V 沙盒类的动作RPG游戏。真实的画面,自由的剧情。玩家在游戏里可以买股票, 买房产,城市飚车,高空跳伞,酒吧飞镖,能干的实在是太多了,总之就是打砸抢,一言不和就开干。而且要熟练掌握开车,开船,开飞...
2017 was a fantastic year for horror games on all platforms. Resident Evil 7 went back to its roots. SOMA finally came to Xbox One with the all-new Safe Mode. And there were plenty of terrifying indie game surprises too. Read about each one on ...
「http://UEFA.comTEAM OF THE YEAR 2015」11名球员中之一(Lv.30)以及另外一名特殊球员。