201712017AMC 10A Problem 1 What is the value of ?表达式 的值是多少?Problem 2 Pablo buys popsicles for his friends.The store sells single popsicles for each,-popsicle boxes for each,and -popsicle boxes for .What is the greatest number of popsicles that Pablo can buy with ?Pablo 给他的...
1 2017AMC10A Problem4 Miais“helping”hermompickup toysthatarestrewnonthefloor.Mia’smommanagesto put toysintothetoyboxevery seconds,buteachtimeimmediatelyafterthose secondshave elapsed,Miatakes toysoutofthebox.Howmuchtime,inminutes,willittakeMiaandhermom toputall toysintotheboxforthefirsttime? Mia...
内容提示: A 2017AMC10A 真题 及答案 Problem 1 What is the value of ? Problem 2 Pablo buys popsicles for his friends. The store sells single popsicles for each, -popsicle boxes for each, and -popsicle boxes for . What is the greatest number of popsicles that Pablo can buy with ?
2017AMC10A(AnswerKey) Printable version: ? Instructions Wiki|AoPSResources PDF 1. Thisisa25-question,multiplechoice test.Eachquestionisfollowedby answersmarkedA,B,C,DandE.Onlyone oftheseiscorrect. 2. Youwillreceive6pointsforeach correctanswer,2.5pointsforeach ...
2017AMC10A(AnswerKey) Printableversion:Wiki|AoPSResources•PDF Instructions 1.Thisisa25-question,multiplechoicetest.Eachquestionisfollowedby answersmarkedA,B,C,DandE.Onlyoneoftheseiscorrect. 2.Youwillreceive6pointsforeachcorrectanswer,2.5pointsforeachproblem ...
2017 AMC 10A Problems 2017 AMC 10A (Answer Key) Printable version: Wiki | AoPS Resources ? PDF Instructions 1. This is a 25-question, multiple choice test. Each question is followed by answers marked A, B, C, D and E. Only one of these is correct. 2. You will receive 6 points ...
[AoPS网络课堂]: 2017 AMC10A/12A 难题选讲共计9条视频,包括:2017 AMC 10A 21、2017 AMC 10A 22、2017 AMC 10A 23等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
2017 AMC 10A Problems 1 American Mathematics Competition