中新网12月3日电 据中国国防科技信息网报道,美国参众两院对2015年国防授权法案的折衷法案将同意海军封存两艘“提康德罗加”级导弹巡洋舰,但否决了封存半数即11艘巡洋舰的计划。 2015年国防授权法案(NDAA)中的条款将允许海军在明年启动两艘巡洋舰的维护和现代化进程,这与海军的计划保持一致,但法案赋予国会改变政策的...
国防授权法案(National Defense Authorization Act, NDAA)是美国的联邦法律,主要规定美国国防部的预算和开支,每年的法案也包括其他一些规定(例如:2015年在条款中特别规定了增加军队性侵案件的处罚力度)。美国国会主要通过两个年度账单:国防授权法案和国防拨款法案,来监督国防开支。其中国防授权法案规定了国防事务...
September 22-24, 2024 – US-Taiwan Defense Industry Conference 2024 Taiwan in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), 2024 US-Taiwan Business Council | 1700 North Moore Street, Suite 1703 | Arlington, Virginia 22209 | Phone: (703) 465-2930 | www.us-taiwan.org©...
furtherheighteninterestinawiderangeof militarypersonnelpoliciesandissues. TheCongressionalResearchService(CRS)hasselectedanumberofthemilitarypersonnel issuesconsideredindeliberationsonH.R.4435,theinitialHouse-passedversionoftheNational DefenseAuthorizationAct(NDAA)forFiscalYear2015;S.2410,theversionoftheNDAA reportedby...
issues. The Congressional Research Service (CRS) has selected a number of the military personnel issues considered in deliberations on H.R. 4435, the initial House-passed version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2015; S. 2410, the version of the NDAA reported ...
NDAA 2016 Still Sitting in Congress Awaiting Signatures October 14, 2015byJames Bailey57 Comments Both houses of Congress finally approved the 2016 National Defense Authorization Act last Wednesday, October 7. However, the bill has still not been printed or signed by congressional leaders, which must...
As part of the 2014 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), Congress required the DoD Inspector General to report to Congress on the US military’s promulgation of religious liberty protections. This was presumably due to perceptions the military was being unresponsive to the wording in laws pas...
WOSB Program: 2015 NDAA Eliminates Self-Certification WOSB Sole Source Contracts: One Step Closer WOSB Program: 15 Of 34 Set-Aside Awards Improper, Says SBA OIG Government Nears 25% In Small Business Awards; WOSBs & HUBZones Lag This entry was posted in Women Owned Small Busine...
NSooutrecse: :NAACILCI tdaobeuslantiootnesnodfoNrsaetioannyalaAnsaslyoscisiatoior ncoonfcIlnussuiorannscbeaCseodmomniusssieonoefrists(NdaAtaIC. D) adtaatar,eupsreedsebnytpUe.rSm. liisfseioinns.urers and fraternal benefit societies. Notes: NAIC does not endorse any analysis or conclusions based...
So we look forward to working with congress on language that we could support on this important issue, but the draft bill, as you noted, in the House – this is very early in the process here for the NDAA – as currently written on this issue, of course, does not reflect Administration...