2015年广东高考英语听说考试真题及答案解析A—F及G套试题.pdf,年广东听说高考 卷 2015 A Part A M: Today, Mars is a frozen world. T e average temperature ere is lower t an at t e Eart ’s Sout Pole. But long ago, w en water may ave flowed ere, it must ave been
(解析:时长:87秒;字数:197 words;语速:140 words per minute;语音:美音;题材:日常生活。) 2015年广东省高考英语听说考试真题B Welcome to Computer-based English Listening and Speaking Test. CELST is a module of National Matriculation English Test (GuangdongVersion), consisting of three parts. Part A...
1、 2015年广东省高考英语听说考试真题DWelcome to Computer-based English Listening and Speaking Test. CELST is a module of National Matriculation English Test (Guangdong Version), consisting of three parts. Part A is Reading Aloud. In this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read...
句子:句子结构简单,长句较少,语速比以往考试偏慢,降低了难度。 故事情节易于理解. 2015年广东听说高考C卷 Part A M: 60 years ago,India threw off the chains of the British Empire, and became a free nation. As the briefheydayof the West draws to a close, one of the greatest players in histo...
When you hear a beep, begin to ask the question.2015 年广东省高考英语听说考试完整真题及参考答案 A—F 及 G 套试题 ant052下 面请用英语回答五个问题。每小题有 10 秒的准备时间。当你听见 “滴 ”声时 ,开始回答。Now please get ready to answer five questions. You are allowed ten seconds ...
When you hear beep,begin (120″)(解析:时长:90 秒;字数:194 words;语速:129 words per minute;语音:美音; 题材:学习类。) 2015 年广东省高考英语听说考试真题C Welcome Computer-basedEnglish Listening SpeakingTest. CELST NationalMatriculation English Test (Guangdong Version), consisting threeparts. Part...
关键词: average(一般的), report card(成绩单), pride(骄傲), mistake(错误), honest(诚实的) 4 2015年广东省高考英语听说考试完整真题及参考答案 A—F 及 G 套试题 ant05 2015年广东省高考英语听说考试真题 C (2) 根据谈话内容回答另一同学的提问。 Welcome to Computer-based English Listening and ...
34、194 words时长:90秒语速:129w/m语音:美音生词:无句子:句子结构简单,长句较少,语速比以往考试偏慢,降低了难度。故事情节易于理解。2015年广东听说高考C卷Part A M: 60 years ago, India threw off the chains of the British Empire, and became a free nation. As the brief heyday of the West dr...
2015年广东省高考英语听说考试完整真题及参考答案A—F及G套试题 ant05 2015年广东省高考英语听说考试真题A Welcome to Computer-based English Listening and Speaking Test. CELST is a module of National Matriculation English Test (Guangdong Version), consisting of three parts. Part A is Reading Aloud. In...