ERICSON Richard E. and ZEAGER Lester (2015). A. Ukraine Crisis 2014: A Study of Russian- Western Strategic Interaction. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, 2015, 21.2, 153-190Ericson, R., E., Zeager, L., A. (2014). Ukraine Crisis 2014: A Study of Russian- ...
通过走访该地区多场战争的见证者、参与者、受害者以及相关学术人员和活动人士,该小组对俄罗斯在该地区的混合战争行动进行了充分研究,撰写了此份题为《危险迷团:乌克兰危机如何解释了未来大国冲突模式》(Dangerous Myths: How the Crisis in Ukrai...
The current Ukraine crisis is a reflection of this. Now it seems that some people want to replay this strategy in Asia. But it is very clear that there will be no winners, but only losers in a divided Asia, and countries in the region will bear the brunt of the impact. Developing ...
But first, we hear how the crisis in the Ukraine could have an effect on Russian exports of natural gas to Europe. Gas supplies and biofuel from algae are our subjects today on As It Is. Europe Hopes Crisis in Ukraine Does Not Affect Supplies Natural gas prices have risen in Europe becau...
UkraineThe author gives his view on China's response to the events unfolding in Ukraine, and looks at the economic and geopolitical reasons behind China's concern over the Ukrainian crisis.KUZNETSOVAssociateDmitryAssociateEBSCO_AspFar Eastern Affairs...
注:文献使用Deepl翻译,稍作整理修改,并非一一对应翻译。word里为翻译稿,即截图内容。仅做学术交流使用。 Conflict and Intergroup Trade Evidence from the 2014 Russia-Ukraine Crisis.pdf 2.9M · 百度网盘 冲突与群体间贸易:来自2014年俄乌危机的证据.docx ...
Research Briefing By Nigel Walker 1 April 2022 Ukraine crisis: A timeline (2014 - present) Summary 1 November 2013 – April 2014: Annexation of Crimea 2 May 2015 – October 2021 3 Current crisis: November 2021 – 23 February 2022 4 Current crisis: 24 Feb
事先说明,这篇长文是笔者对理查德·萨克瓦(Richard Sakwa)所著《乌克兰前线:边地危机》(Frontline Ukraine: Crisis in the Borderlands)第三章“乌克兰之争”所做的阅读笔记与补充,有兴趣深入研究的读者可以自行寻书。 乌克兰之争 萨克瓦认为,冷战后一方面是西方集团在扩张,一方面是俄国出于安全、文明等多方...
This paper is an in-depth analysis of Moldova's relations with Ukraine, Russia, the Europe-an Union (EU), and the United States (US) during the Ukrainian crisis of 2014 to show the serious political impact and consequences the crisis had on Moldova by further polarizing an already highly ...
Ukraine 2009: Be my Valentine! (Anti-crisis Girl) (backing) SPOKESPERSON Zlata Ognevich (ЗлатаОгнєвіч) Real name: Inna Leonidivna Bordiuh (ІннаЛеонідівнаБордюг) Ukraine 2023: spokesperson Ukraine 2017: spokesperson Ukraine 2013: Gravity (artist) ...