IEEEXplore (全网免费下载) IEEEXplore 相似文献[IEEE 2014 European Radar Conference (EuRAD) - Italy (2014.10.8-2014.10.10)] 2014 11th European Radar Conference - A 12 GHz 6-Bit switch-type phase shifter... A 12 GHz low phase error and low amplitude error digital 6-bit switc...
Electro-optic sensing Technical sponsorship is provided by the IEEE Signal Processing Society and proceedings will be indexed on IEEE XPLORE.
Papers will be reviewed by peers in the area of expertise and selected for presentation and inclusion in the conference proceedings based on their clarity, originality, relevance and significance. All accepted papers, only when presented in the Conference, will be submitted for inclusion to IEEE Xpl...
[IEEE 2014 IEEE International Power Electronics and Application Conference and Exposition (PEAC) - Shanghai, China (2014.11.5-2014.11.8)] 2014 Internationa... Root rot diseases of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) are a constraint to dry and snap bean production. We developed the RR 138 RI mappin...
与增值税一起开发Poltava和Eristovsky GOK。这是在声明中说的。根据董事会批准的投资计划,Reggehro集团在2014年投资了16.8亿乌克兰格里夫纳(UAH),以支持存款和Poltava GOK的发展。与增值税,并为Eristovsky GOK的开发-超过10亿格里夫纳。包含增值税。 著录项...
(TTTC) IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS) International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) sponsors event sponsor sponsorcosmmercial sponsors Programmperoggraumimde eguide Welcome General Information Keynote Speakers David Fuller, National Instruments, US Gerd ...
2010 IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference更多>>热门会议 中国环境科学学会第五届重金属污染防治及风险评价研讨会暨重金属污染防治专业委员会2015年学术年会 2015年第五届全国地方机械工程学会学术年会暨中国制造2025发展论坛 第二届燃烧学研讨会 中华医学会口腔预防医学学术讨论会 2007年全国器官移植学术会议更...
IEEE Radar Conference . 2014 机译:T10 —无源双基地雷达,理论—系统—测量 5. Características sociodemográficas de los contrayentes y del evento nupcial en Puerto Rico: 2010-2014 =Sociodemographic characteristics of the spouses and the nuptial event in Puerto Rico: 2010-2014 [D] . Torres...
2014IEEEInternational ConferenceonCommunication Problem-Solving (ICCP2014) Beijing,China 5-7December2014 TabeofContents 0001-14Add-Select-Delay-CompareViterbiDecoderforUWBCommunicationsin ElectronicPowerSystems 1 ShaoweiHuang,YuntaoYang,ZhenquanSun 0002-15OptimalInputPowerBack-offwithNonlinearPowerAmplifierforElect...