二手市场上,2011年款的Honda Civic以其卓越的性价比吸引了众多目光。价格层面来看,以某款行驶了15万公里的车型为例,其新车时的指导价格为12.98万元,而在二手市场,它的标价已大幅下调至1.98万元,显得尤为亲民。谈及配置,该车配备了舒适的织物座椅、简洁实用的单碟CD音响,以及前麦弗逊式与后双横臂式的独立...
假设每年行驶1万公里,年均综合费用大约为1万元,但具体数额还会受到车主使用习惯和维护状况的影响。 与同级车型相比,Honda Civic 2011在安全性、动力性能以及操控感受方面都表现得相当出色,无论是城市日常通勤还是长途旅行,都能为驾驶者带来愉悦的驾驶体验。 综上所述,尽管这款二手本田思域已有一定的行驶里程,但其整体...
Year* 2011 Style, Configuration, Engine Options* Honda Civic hybrid Trim* Civic CVT Hybrid Sedan Overview Civic CVT Hybrid Sedan Package Includes Price starting at $24,720 Vehicle EPA Classification Compact Drivetrain Front-Wheel Drive Engine Engine Order Code NA Engine Type and Required Fuel Gas...
What to look for when buying a used Honda Civic:If you want the Civic DX, see if it has the features you need. The air conditioner, power locks, cruise control and even the map lights were not on the list of DX's standard equipment. Check the tires; see if any of the tires appea...
With the release of the 2011 Honda Civic, the tradition of the 4 to 5 year model change has been extended, but is that a bad thing? Good looks, great performance, top safety, vast aftermarket support, and affordable prices never go out of style. With an average of nearly 200,000 ...
2011年的Honda Civic LX,里程只有38200不到,一直使用Plus油,本人为女生,开车超级小心,平均每三个月保养一次,今年三月刚刚做过NYS Inspection并换过全新刹车片。 后排空间大,座椅舒适。并另附送GPS。 KBB上对车况为Excellent的车指导价为$12,294,对车况为Very Good的车指导价为$11,937。本人的车历次NYS ...
Successful Formula Evident in 2011 Honda Civic
希尔斯开车2011年Honda Civic SEдан车型特征说明书
Honda says the chassis has been breathed on to smooth the ride, quieten the racket AND sharpen the handling. But as the Civic is bolted to a motor show stand and we can't drive it, we'll wait and be the judge of that later. We have sat in it, and we can attest that the ...
The last time I drove a Prius was a few years ago when the updated body style was introduced. Back then, hybrids were rare and the Prius was much more interesting than the Honda Civic hybrid. It has the sleek lines of a futuristic car. Then Lexus came out with the CT 200h this summ...