2010年 AMC 12A真题含答案 201012010AMC12A Problem 1What is ?表达式的值是多少?Problem 2 A ferry boat shuttles tourists to an island every hour starting at 10AM until its last trip,which starts at 3PM.One day the boat captain notes that on the 10AM trip there were 100tourists on the ...
7-8年级有一部分基础好,或者是已经考过AMC8获奖的学生,备考AMC10竞赛相对容易,刷题前首先需要将10年级及以下数学知识补充完整,再进行专项训练,最好整理好错题本,对自己的薄弱点重点复习。 7-8年级备考靠自学获奖的难度非常大,建议有条件的话可以早点参加AMC10竞赛培训班,从基础知识点开始跟着老师一步一步学。 ...
2010amc10a试题及答案解析.pdf,2010 AMC 10A problems and solutions. The test was held on February 8, 2010. The first link contains the full set of test problems. The rest contain each individual problem and its solution. Problem 1 Mary ’ s top book shelf
2010AMC10A 2010AMC10A Problem 1 Mary’stopbookshelfholdsfivebookswiththefollowingwidths,incentimeters: , , , , and .Whatistheaveragebookwidth,incentimeters? Mary 的顶层书架上放了5本书,它们的宽度 (单位:厘米)分别是6和1 。问书本的平均宽 度是多少厘米 Problem 2 Fouridenticalsquaresandonerectanglea...
11月份就要迎来AMC12数学竞赛的考试了,万变不离其宗,对于备考的同学们来说,最有效复习的资料还得是历年真题!为了让同学们更好的备战2024年AMC12数学竞赛,我们整理了2010-2023年以来的AMC12竞赛真题(中英文版),含答案,需要的同学可以领取哦~ AM...
2010AMC10Aproblemsandsolutions. ThetestwasheldonFebruary8,2010.Thefirstlinkcontainsthefullsetoftestproblems.Therestcontaineachindividualproblemanditssolution. Problem1 Mary’stopbookshelfholdsfivebookswiththefollowingwidths,incentimeters:HYPERLINK"http://.artofproblemsolving/Forum/code.php?hash=c1dfd96eea8cc2b...
AMC10-2010 USA AMC 102010 A 1Mary’s top book shelf holds five books with the following widths,in centimeters:6,12,1,2.5,and 10.What is the average book width,in centimeters?(A)1(B)2(C)3(D)4(E)52Four identical squares and one rectangle are placed together to form one large ...
Humphrey讲数学,2010AMC12A problem15二项分布,二次方程,高中数学竞赛 100 0 04:01 App Humphrey讲数学,2003AMC12B problem20三次方程,韦达定理,高中数学竞赛 1105 0 04:06 App Humphrey讲数学.无限根号嵌套怎么算?黄金分割比的无限表达式.golden ratio 265 0 02:38 App Humphrey讲数学.无限长分数嵌套如何计...
2010 AMC 12B Problems/Problem 1 Problem Makarla attended two meetings during her -hour work day. The first meeting took minutes and the second meeting took twice as long. What percent of her work day was spent attending meetings? Solution The total number of minutes in here -hour work day...