2010AMC10A 2010AMC10A Problem 1 Mary’stopbookshelfholdsfivebookswiththefollowingwidths,incentimeters: , , , , and .Whatistheaveragebookwidth,incentimeters? Mary 的顶层书架上放了5本书,它们的宽度 (单位:厘米)分别是6和1 。问书本的平均宽 度是多少厘米 Problem 2 Fouridenticalsquaresandonerectanglea...
2010 AMC 10A problems and solutions. The test was held on February 8, 2010. The first link contains the full set of test problems. The rest contain each individual problem and its solution. Problem 1 Mary’s top book shelf holds five books with the following widths, in centimeters: , ,...
2010AMC10Aproblemsandsolutions. ThetestwasheldonFebruary8,2010.Thefirstlinkcontainsthefullsetoftestproblems.Therestcontaineachindividualproblemanditssolution. Problem1 Mary’stopbookshelfholdsfivebookswiththefollowingwidths,incentimeters:HYPERLINK"http://.artofproblemsolving/Forum/code.php?hash=c1dfd96eea8cc2b...
澳大利亚数学竞赛AMC-C:7-8年级英文历年真题含答案2007-2018,AMCJunior 热度: 2010年AMC 10A竞赛真题及答案(英文版),2010年AMC 10A竞赛真题及答案(英文版)竞赛,解答,真题,答案英文版,年AMC,AMC,10A,英文版,年 AMC,竞赛,解答,真题,答案英文版,年AMC,AMC,10A,英文版,年...
2013年AMC10A第24题视频解析 曹老师数学课堂 19 0 2010年AMC12B第25题视频解析 曹老师数学课堂 72 0 2010年AMC10A第25题视频解析 曹老师数学课堂 32 0 2017年AMC10A第23题视频解析 曹老师数学课堂 16 0 2002年AMC12A第22题视频解析 曹老师数学课堂 21 0 2011年AMC10A第25题视频解析 曹老师数学课堂...
2010-AMC10A-#6(Ashley 老师) 00:57 2010-AMC10A-#11(Ashley 老师) 01:09 2010-AMC10A-#15(Ashley 老师) 03:56 2010-AMC10A-#18(Ashley 老师) 04:15 2010-AMC10A-#19(Ashley 老师) 06:58 2010-AMC10A-#21(Ashley 老师) 02:49 2010-AMC10A-#20(Ashley 老师) 03:12 还有什么数学课,是宋浩老...
2012AMC10AAnswerKey 12345678910111213 DEECBDCDDCDAC 141516171819202122232425 BBCCEDACABED 9 2013AMC10A 2013AMC10A Problem1 Ataxiridecosts$1.50plus$0.25permiletraveled.Howmuchdoesa5-miletaxiridecost? 出租车的起步价是1.5美元,每开1英里还需额外支付0.25美元,那么5英里的里程需要支付 多少美元? Problem2 Aliceis...
2010 AMC 10Aproblems and solutions. The test was held on February 8, 2010. The first link contains the full set of test problems. The rest contain each individual problem and its solution. Problem 1 Mary’s top book shelf holds five books with the following widths, in centimeters: , , ...
2010AMC10A Problems Q1.Mary’s top book shelf holds five books with the following widths, in centimeters: 6, , 1, 2.5, and 10. What is theaverage book width, in centimeters? A)1B)2C)3D)4E)5 Q2.Four identical squares and one rectangle are placed together to form one large square...