我们第一次听到“E Class”一词是在1993年左右,当时改头换面(中期改款)的W124问世。 这家德国汽车制造商没有继续将这些汽车命名为“300 E”,而是改变了主意,选择了“E 300”,虽说排序位置变了,但这样听起来感觉好了不少。改款后正式确立了“E-Class”的全新车系名称,E代表奔驰行政级(Executive)。 W124...
Prices shown for the used 2007 Mercedes-Benz E-Class Sedan 4D E350 AWD with typical miles are what people paid to buy this vehicle or what people received when trading in this vehicle at a dealer. Edit options. Buy from Dealer Prices shown are what people paid including dealer discounts....
Prices shown for the used 2007 Mercedes-Benz E-Class Sedan 4D E350 with typical miles are what people paid to buy this vehicle or what people received when trading in this vehicle at a dealer. Edit options. Buy from Dealer Prices shown are what people paid including dealer discounts. Taxes...
The article presents information related to a car model called 2007 Mercedes-Benz E-Class. The interior of the car gets a new steering wheel, shift lever, climate-control layout and fresh colors. The car also comes with Pre-Safe, ...
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Mercedes Benz E-Class W211 G-Class W463 2002-2007 Hand-stitched grey Genuine Leather peach wood grain Steering Wheel Cover is designed to be versatile, catering to a range of Mercedes models including the 1999 Mercedes S-Class for sale, the 1997 Mercedes E420 reliability, the 2005 Mercedes ...
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2007 Mercedes-Benz R-class Mechanical 6.3L DOHC 32-valve V8 AMG-built engine 7-speed AMG-enhanced driver-adaptive automatic transmission-inc: AMG Speedshift, column-mounted Direct Select, Touch Shift, optimum gear programming, electronically controlled shifting 4-wheel electronic traction sys...
相关车系 奔驰S级4.32分 最低售价: 64.76万 最高降价: 37.56万询底价 参数图片车友圈问答二手车(1685辆) 评论·2 提交评论 开心的榴莲哥 多少钱 2023-05-28回复举报0人 点赞 LI看见更大的世界 空气避震是不是坏了?那么低 2023-05-27回复举报0人 点赞 暂无更多评论 ...
参数配置 基本信息 上市日期:2007-01-01车型级别:中型车车身型式:三厢 动力类型:汽油变速箱类型:手自一体(AT)0-100km/h加速时间:- 最高车速:-保修政策:暂无发动机:1.8T L 4缸 机械增压 最大功率/最大扭矩:135kW/250N.m混合工况油耗[L/100km]:9.0环保标准:国四 ...