Twitter Pinterest Vehicle Specs Body Style:Sedan Year:2006 Mileage:145,000 Transmission:Automatic Engine:2.3L Drivetrain:FWD - Front Wheel Drive Color:Light Blue Condition:Good VIN:Ask Seller Sedan Listed By:Owner Stock:RBR2878 Category:Sedans ...
Reviews of the fourth-gen GTO were mixed. Critics tended to praise the car’s specs and performance, but were, like most of us, baffled by its aesthetics. The car’s bloated MSRP, with a base price of more than $31,000 during all three of its years, didn’t help. True to its he...
Vehicle Specs Body Style:SUV Year:2006 Mileage:154,000 Transmission:Automatic Engine:N/A Drivetrain:4WD - 4 Wheel Drive Color:White Condition:Good VIN:Ask Seller SUV Listed By:Owner Stock:0PD4177 Category:SUVs Under $4000 Owner Notes