Error Nr. 2003 can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10013)Posted by: Kristaps Ancans Date: April 12, 2006 05:08PM Please help :( Ok i've installed Apache 2.0.55, PHP 5.1.2 and MySQL 5.0.20. When i installed MySQL i choosed to configure it, but at the last step...
2003 Can't connect to MySql server on "localhost"(10061) 解决mysql都是启动正常,但就是一直连接不上服务的问题: 解决方法:重改一下密码! 1、在cmd中,进入到mysql的bin目录下,执行mysqld --initialize --user==root --console获得一个暂时性密码,红色圈起来就是密码 2、重新启动服务net start mysql 3...
server2017后找不到SQL Server Management Studio Linux服务器怎么判断是否有重启 简述上行带宽和下行带宽 Extundelete 数据恢复 如何查看sqlserver数据库版本 Linux防DDOS的设置 Linux 磁盘压力测试脚本 Linux CPU压力测试脚本 MySql修改数据库编码为UTF8 MySQL索引之聚集索引 连接Mysql提示Can’t connect to local MySQL ...
I have some scheduled task on Windows Server 2003 R2. It run well at the first time, but it doesn't execute on the scheduled time point. I checked the event viewer, but can't find any log info regarding to that scheduled task. How do I solve this problem? Thanks for help....
DotNet Client application not able to connect to WCF service hosted on remote server Enabling CORS on a WCF Service Endpoint not found error Endpoint not found when clicking Browse in IIS Error : "Unable to connect remote server" web service Error : The dependent tool 'svcutil.exe' is not ...
server2017后找不到SQL Server Management Studio Linux服务器怎么判断是否有重启 简述上行带宽和下行带宽 Extundelete 数据恢复 如何查看sqlserver数据库版本 Linux防DDOS的设置 Linux 磁盘压力测试脚本 Linux CPU压力测试脚本 MySql修改数据库编码为UTF8 MySQL索引之聚集索引 连接Mysql提示Can’t connect to local MySQL ...
i want to be removed above string in my result xml.. can u show me how to do this... AnilJayanti AnilJayanti All replies (1) Sunday, June 12, 2011 3:34 AM ✅Answered use something similar to