20000 Leagues Under the Sea的创作者· ··· 儒勒·凡尔纳作者 原文摘录 ···(全部) 现在是为捕杀而捕杀。我知道,这是人类的特权。不过,我不能接受这种血腥的消遣方式。滥杀像北极鲸一样没有攻击性的温和的南极鲸。你的同行,兰师傅,他们的行为应该受到谴责。他们就是这样使长须鲸在巴芬湾绝迹,并且将会使这...
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Reading Guide) ;Do you have any questions about the cover?;;;Time;Chapter 1 The monster in the Sea;Questions: Why did people ask Dr. Aronnax about the monster? 2. What did Dr. Aronnax think the monster could be? ;Chapter 1 The monster in the Sea;Chap...