It shows that I have only one port open (and it's not any of the three I opened with ufw) When I run >> nmap localhost -p 2000 It shows: PORT STATE SERVICE 2000/tcp closed cisco-sccp I've read#378but it didn't fix my problem, I'm a total newbie at this, Am I doing some...
Recent VA shows these ports are open on the printer tcp 2000, 5060 My check shows that tcp 2000 is used for CISCO SCCP and 5060 is for SIP. I am unable to locate these services option SCCP & SIP in the Printer GUI control. Does anyone experts know how I can identify ...
TCP Transmission Control Protocol 传输控制协议 TDM Time Division Multiplexing 时分复用 TDMA Time Division Multiple Access 时分多址接入 TE Traffic Engineering 流量工程 TEDB TE DataBase 流量工程数据库 TEI Terminal Endpoint Identifier 终端设备标识符 TEK Tranfic Encrytion Key 加密流量的密钥 TFO...
Recent VA shows these ports are open on the printer tcp 2000, 5060 My check shows that tcp 2000 is used for CISCO SCCP and 5060 is for SIP. I am unable to locate these services option SCCP & SIP in the Printer GUI control. Does anyone experts know how I can identify what ...
23-OpenFlow配置指导 24-DPI深度安全配置指导 25-智能运维配置指导 26-缩略语 请您评分并反馈意见: H3C网络技术缩略语表 # A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Z 缩略语 英语解释 中文解释 10GE Ten-GigabitEthernet 万兆以太网 1DM One-way Delay Measurement ...
TCP Transmission Control Protocol 传输控制协议 TCT-BC Transparent Telecom Boundary Clock 透明电信边界时钟 TDM Time Division Multiplexing 时分复用 TDMA Time Division Multiple Access 时分多址接入 TE Traffic Engineering 流量工程 TEDB TE DataBase 流量工程数据库 TEI Terminal Endpo...
TCP Transmission Control Protocol 传输控制协议 TCT-BC Transparent Telecom Boundary Clock 透明电信边界时钟 TDM Time Division Multiplexing 时分复用 TDMA Time Division Multiple Access 时分多址接入 TE Traffic Engineering 流量工程 TEDB TE DataBase 流量工程数据库 TEI Terminal Endpoint Identifier 终端...