Value in bars = value in psi × 0.0689475728 Suppose you want to convert 2000 psi into bars. Using the conversion formula above, you will get: Value in bar = 2000 × 0.0689475728 = 137.895 barsThis converter can help you to get answers to questions like: How many pounds per square inch...
Suppose you want to convert 2000 psi into pascals. Using the conversion formula above, you will get: Value in Pa =2000 × 6894.75728=1.37895 × 107pascals This converter can help you to get answers to questions like: How many pounds per square inch are in 2000 pascals?
型号 PGM-63L-1000psi/70BA 不锈钢工业压力计可填充液体双刻度(psi和bar)表盘直径:63 mm (2½")和100 mm (4")轴向(后安装式)或径向(下安装式)接头全不锈钢结构可现场填充液体(甘油、矿物油或硅油等)NEMA 4 (IP65)防护等级坚固耐用高性能OMEGA的PGM系列仪表适用于化学、化工提炼、电力、船舶、食品及药物...
奥米佳压力表PGM-100L-1000PSI/70BAR,PGM-100L-2000PSI/140BAR 复购率:0% 深度验商 ¥1475.0成交0笔 上海市 轴向带前边不锈钢压力表耐震充油全钢埋入式YNBF60ZT 150kg G1/4 复购率:40% 8年 ¥138.0成交0笔 东莞市 供YRUN不锈钢压力表耐震充油径向立装YBN63 150kg 2000psi 1/4PT ...
2000psl等于22兆帕 1500PSI等于10.3448275862MPa。计算方法:145psi=1MPa,1500除以145即得。 1psi=6.895kPa=0.0689476bar =0.006895MPa。 PSI是一种计量单位,P是磅力pound,S是平方square,I是英寸inch。欧美等国家习惯使用psi作单位,具体单位是“lb/in²”, 就是“磅力/平方英寸”。©...
This chapter chronicles the period from 1980 to 2000. Progress on the development of permutation methods continued unabated during this period, paralleling advancements in high-speed computing and the subsequent wide-spread availability of both universit
A014*WIKAI威卡耐震压力表1756180-3 0-136bar 0-2000PSI 170783 泉州淼成海机电设备有限公司 1年 月均发货速度: 暂无记录 福建 泉州市 ¥3097.93 CO2 Refill Adapter with 2000Psi Pressure Gauge for DUO/TERRA 深圳市芯起航电子有限公司 1年 月均发货速度: 暂无记录 广东 深圳市 ¥68.00 ...
本公司生产销售压力表 压力表,提供压力表专业参数,压力表价格,市场行情,优质商品批发,供应厂家等信息.压力表 压力表 品牌OMEGA|产地上海|价格1475.00元|结构333|适用介质1123|原理321456|精度等级3|装箱数1|联接型式555|额定流量111|安装方式456|适用范围654上海压力表;OMEG