so the central balance of the lens doesn’t shift when the total length of the lens changes.”...
so the central balance of the lens doesn’t shift when the total length of the lens changes.”...
佳能Canon-EF-50mm-f-1.4-USM-Lens相机镜头用户说明书手册 星级: 2 页 佳能Canon-EF-35mm-f-2-IS-USM-Lens相机镜头用户说明书手册 星级: 2 页 佳能Canon-RF-200-800mm-F6-3-9-IS-USM-Lens相机镜头用户说明书手册 下载积分: 1399 内容提示: ENGInstructions 文档格式:PDF | 页数:22 | 浏览次数:56...
目前F值还不清楚,不过从大小、重量、价格推测的话f/5.6-8应该是比较合理的。 文章来源:Jan Wegener claims to know that Canon will soon launch a new 200-800mm RF lens!
Also shown as an embodiment, is a 200-500mm lens which is nearly the same size as the 200-800mm, this I think has a next to zero chance of making it into a future lens. Wide Middle Telephoto focal length 203.01 395.08 500.04
Canon RF200-800mm F6.3-9 is USM Super-telephoto Zoom Lens Mirrorless Powerful Zoom Range Comfortable Handheld Shooting for Wildlife Nature ... Lowest price·Free shipping, 3-7 days Crutchfield Canon RF 200-800mm F6.3-9 IS USM Lens Free shipping, 1-2 days Canon RF200-800mm F6....
Vergleiche Preise von 2.149,00 € bis 3.066,87 € · Platzierung 1 in Kameraobjektive Probiere flexible Zahlungen mitLerne wiePreise Bewertungen Preisentwicklung Produktinformationen Spezifikationen ANZEIGE FOTO ERHARDT Canon RF 200-800mm f6,3-9 IS USM - nach 250 EUR Canon 10% Lens Wee...
SAR给了配置总结:Sony 400-800mm f/6-3-8.0 G lens specs:11 aperture blades19 lens groups with 27 lens elementsOSSinternal zoom1...看到了,谢谢。 (0) (0) 只看该作者 不看该作者 加入黑名单 举报 返回顶部 个人图文集 个人作品集 北京 第 245 帖<...
腾龙曝光200-800mm F6.7全幅镜头专利 据悉,腾龙曝光了一支新的全画幅长焦镜头专利,规格为: 200-800mm F6.7。虽然目前仅是专利阶段,还不能确定最终是否会量产。但根据目前佳能畅销的200-800mm F6.3-9.0来看,腾龙应该去生产这支镜头。
The discreet objective lens of the camera has been replaced with a fast (f/4) 200 to 400 mm zoom lens that when coupled with a quick-connect telephoto adapter (either 1.4x or 2.0x) allows the camera to operate at any focal length from 200 to 800 mm. This permits variable magnification...