1. aches and pains 痛苦 2. again and again 一再 3. all and all 全能的;最重要的 4. all and singular 全体;一律 5. all in all 总的说来;头等重要的 6. ancient and modern 古今 7. arm in arm 臂挽臂 8. arts and science 文理 9. as and when 当……时候 10. back and forth 来回...
为了方便起见,在Griddle中提供了该工具,因为它可用于准备体网格volume meshing的面网格surface meshes。 In this context, manifold means that a surface edge is shared by at most two surfaces. In contrast, consider twointersecting planar surfaces and represented as a single polysurface object. Now the edg...
The string#ERRORmeans that the pack operation as a whole will fail, with an exception of typeIOException. The string#STRIPmeans that the attribute will be dropped. The string#PASSmeans that the whole class-file will be passed through (as if it were a resource file) without compression, with...
放进去后DevEco Studio中仍然会提示如下图找不到@ohos.dayuled.d.ts 有error,但是能正常生成HAP,所以这个可以不用管。 3.2 ets主要代码 页面只有简单的文本和四个Toggle的switch预览截图如下 entry/src/main/ets/MainAbility/pages/index.ets主要代码如下,entry完整代码见附件 ...
When Protocol Type is set to RESTCONF (which means to create a Huawei firewall device configuration template), Template can only be set to Basic authentication based on the API interface requirements of Huawei firewalls. When Protocol Type is set to RESTful, Template can be set to any of the...
That means it runs in the browser instead of the computer where the website “lives”. JavaScript Framework A web framework in JavaScript used to build apps and websites. jQuery A JavaScript library that makes it easy to change elements on a webpage. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) A ...
for me commitment to providing comprehensive support means something else. You as hardware manufacturer declare Linux compatibility of the AX200 but are not interested in making it work in recent kernels hiding behind OEM restrictions. Sticking a PCIE card in a self-built PC is same as sticking ...
Error code 56 indicates acurlreceive error ofCURLE_RECV_ERRORwhich means there was some issue that prevented the data from being received during the clone process. Typically this is caused by a network setting, firewall, VPN client, or anti-virus that is terminating the connec...
1. The phrase "be brought forward" (Line 2, Para. 1) most probably means "___". A. be expected B. be completed C. be advanced D. be introduced 2. Some scientists believe that a breakthrough in the use of solar energy dep...
This means that my above guess seems to be right. You need both DLLs. The page continues to say: Also copy libnodave.dll in the same directory where is exe file is located. PS: Please make sure to use to correct bittyness for your project. The native DLL might be 32-bit, so you ...