class DelayedExecutable { public: DelayedExecutable(std::function<void()> &&func, long long delay) : func(std::move(func)) { using namespace std; using namespace std::chrono; auto now = system_clock::now(); // 当前的时间戳,单位毫秒 auto current = duration_cast<milliseconds>(now.time_...
info-center timestamp loghost { date [ with-milliseconds ] | iso [ with-milliseconds ] | no-year-date | none } 缺省情况下,发往日志主机的日志信息的时间戳输出格式为date格式。 (7) 配置日志主机及相关参数。 info-center loghost [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] { hostname | ipv4-address ...
feign.RetryableException: 20 MILLISECONDS executing GET http://localhost:8082/unstable but the response is not returned until approx 1030 ms afterward (after more than 1 second in total). You can see an example of the code in this repo, under the module graphql-java-kickstart-example (Produ...
The Avg. Disk sec/Write performance counter indicates the average time in seconds that it takes to write data to the disk. This alert indicates that the average time that it takes to write data to the disk has stayed greater than 20 milliseconds for five minutes. Other ...
640x480 latency is OK. maybe 200ms, it's several hundred milliseconds level. When I switched to 720P, it's NOT good. What might be the issue? a) OV5647 CSI module it seems to support 720p60? b) Rpi3B+ system, it seems CPU is high, why?? ...
info-centerlogfilefrequencyfreq-sec 缺省情况下,系统自动保存日志文件的频率为86400秒。 ¡在任意视图下执行以下命令,手动将日志文件缓冲区中的内容保存到日志文件。 logfilesave 1.6 配置日志信息和日志文件的最短保存时间 1.6.1 功能简介 使用本特性可以确保重要日志和日志文件在指定时间内不被新的日志覆盖。
Duration The time between event start and event end in milliseconds. Input Voltages Low voltage minimum line-to-line voltage over duration of event. High voltage maximum line-to-line voltage over duration of event Output Voltages Low voltage minimum line-to-line voltage over duration of event. ...
Samsung NX-series cameras use in-lens stabilization. Autofocus performance is manufacturer-rated at around 100 milliseconds, the same as was claimed for the NX200. The NX20 supports i-Function 2.0, which allows adjustment of even more variables with the lens ring, including Smart Filters and int...
(_u32)17; /* Hours in the range of 0-23 */ dateTime.tm_min = (_u32)55; /* Minutes in the range of 0-59 */ dateTime.tm_sec = (_u32)22; /* Seconds in the range of 0-59 */ Status = sl_DeviceSet(SL_DEVICE_GENERAL, SL_DEVICE_GENERAL_DATE_TIME, sizeof(SlDateTime_t)...
// YAM_StartGameDelay = rnd(min,max) Random delay in milliseconds before game initialization.// YAM_GameCatchup = number (msec) Time delay to let d2jsp catchup after an area change // YAM_MaxGameLength = number (sec) Maximum game length before aborting, in seconds. Use 0 ...