The abbreviations used are: rRNA, ribosomal RNA; pre-rRNA, precursor rRNA; ISG20L2, interferon-stimulated 20-kDa exonuclease-like 2; DAPI, 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole; co-IP, co-immunoprecipitation; siRNA, small interfering RNA; aa, amino acids; EGFP, enhanced green fluorescent protein; mR...
In all, 1 × 106 U2OS cells were seeded into 100 mM dishes and transfected with one of the indicated siRNAs (140 pmol siRNA + 8 μl RNAimax). 48 h later, cells were irradiated with 2 Gy IR using a cesium irradiator. Cells were harvested 6 hr after irradiation and fix...
METTL20 was suggested to be responsible for ETFβ methylation, because modulation of cellular METTL20 levels through ectopic overexpression or siRNA mediated knockdown caused increased or decreased ETFβ methylation, respectively. The study by Rhein et al. (28) nicely complements the present work, ...
a, b Migration and invasion of MCF-7 cells transfected with either the control vector, SUV420H2 vector, control siRNA, or SUV420H2 siRNA as indicated, detected by wound healing assay (a), transwell migration assay, and transwell invasion assay (b). c, d Migration and invasion of MCF-7...
通过每400pmol染料加入ImL IOmM赖氨酸来终止反应。用Cy2 标记汇集的标准品,用Cy3标记未用PAD2处理的样品,并且用Cy5标记用PAD2处理的样品。将 如上所述标记的150ug等分的汇集的标准品、样品+PAD2和样品-PAD2混合在一起,并在IEF 缓冲液(71尿素/21硫脲/4%(:蘭^/1%01'1'/1%3-10两性电解质)中稀释至最终...
关键词:支链siRNA多靶点乳腺癌增殖凋亡 早期脑室腹腔分流联合颅骨修补术治疗老年脑外伤的疗效及对认知功能和应激反应的影响 作者:马淮滨;熊金丹;颜福根;李家志 目的 探讨早期脑室腹腔分流联合颅骨修补术治疗老年脑外伤的疗效及对认知功能、皮质醇(Cor)、白细胞介素(IL)-6和肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)-α水平的影响.方法 老...
A ratio of siRNA to Lipo8000 of 25:1 (pmol to µL) was added to the cell culture supernatant and incubated for 10 h [51]. After the medium was replaced, the cells were further cultured for 36 to 60 h. Samples were collected at appropriate time points as dictated by the ...
Prior microinjections of NMDA receptor antagonist AP5 (16 pmol) into the ARCN or PVN reduced leptin-induced increases in RSNA, BP, and HR in both ARCN and PVN. Knockdown of a leptin receptor with siRNA inhibited NMDA-induced increases in RSNA, BP, and HR in the ARCN but not in the...
从体外细胞水平 研究siRNA特异诱导hTERT转录后基因沉默,逆转癌细胞恶性 表型的能力。 材料和方法 一、材料 1.细胞株:肝癌SMMc一7721细胞株购自上海细胞生物研 究所。在含10%胎牛血清的DMEM培养液,37℃5%CO:孵箱中培 养。 2.质粒:质粒pTZU6+1由重庆医科大学传染病研究所黄爱 龙教授惠赠,质料pEGFP购自美国...