每个支持Linduino的产品包括示例主程序(在LTSketchbook/产品型号文件夹中定义)和驱动程序代码(在LTSketchbook/库文件夹中定义)。 GitHub上的Linduino代码存储库以及有关如何使用代码的说明。 购买Linduino 评估套件 DC1925A-C LTC2376-20 Demo Board | 20-Bit, 250ksps, SAR ADC with 104dB SNR. Requires DC2026...
全新LTC2376CMS-20#PBF【IC ADC20BIT250KSPS 16MSOP】现货库存 深圳市畅迅通科技有限公司4年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 广东 深圳市 ¥420.00 AD5791BRUZ TSSOP20 DAC数模转换器 ADI/亚德诺 原装 分辨率20bit 深圳盛德恒科技有限公司9年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 ...
LTC2378-20: 20-Bit, 1Msps, Low Power SAR ADC with 0.5ppm INL Data Sheet08/19/2016 可靠性数据1 R549 Reliability Data03/23/2018 用户手册3 User Guide: ADMX1002, Ultra-low Distortion and Low Noise Signal Generator04/16/2021 DC2135A - Demo Manual04/17/2014 ...
DC934ALTC2607 Demo Board | Dual 16-bit, I2C Vout DAC (req DC2026)$50.00 Companion Boards Part NumberDescriptionPrice DC2026CLinduino One Isolated USB Demo Board: An Arduino- and QuikEval-Compatible Code Development Platform$75.00
WTV020 WTV020-SD WTV020SD-20SS การ์ด SD ขนาดมินิ MP3เสียง โมดูลเสียงสำหรับ2560 PIC Arduino WTV020-SD-16P R3 Uno คุณสมบัติ: 1คุณสมบัติผล...
Specifications: Product Type: Integrated Circuits Quantity: 2pcs/lot Package: DIP-20 Compatibility: ADC0804LCN ADC0804 Customization: Yes Operating Temperature: International standard Dissipation Power: International standard Features: |Arduino With 12 Bit Adc|How To Play Adc|Adc Vdb105x Manual| **Versat...
(Taking 1024 samples, (all of which have a given offset error), then decimating the sum to yield a 17-bit ADC measurement makes it easy to imagine that any error would be confined to the lowest couple of bits. But if the error was, say 5 lsb on a single measurement, when you ...
BW20模组具有丰富的外设接口,包括 UART/GPIO/ADC/PWM/IIC/SPI/SDIO/IR/SWD/USB 等。可广泛应用于物联网(IoT)、移动设备、可穿戴电子设备、智能家居等领域。 BW20系列模组作为一款双频Wi-Fi模组,DTIM低功耗模式也是支持的,来看看 BW20 的低功耗性能如何?来看看测试效果。
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MOTIX™ MCU | 32-bit motor control SoC 电路板&设计 BLDC_SHIELD_TLE9879 Status: active and preferred Infineon Read MoreBuy Online BLDC Shield for Arduino with TLE9879QXA40 is designed to drive BLDC motors in combination with an arduino compatible baseboard. The shield is flashed wi...