With so much amazing anime and manga out there, a person can only reasonably expect to watch and read a small percentage of it. Sometimes, you have to choose whether you're going to experience a series as a manga or as an anime. In some cases, the two are equally high q...
With so much amazing anime and manga out there, a person can only reasonably expect to watch and read a small percentage of it. Sometimes, you have to choose whether you're going to experience a series as a manga or as an anime. In some cases, the two are equally high q...
Music has long been a part ofanime. Every genre has melodies that transport us to new worlds and intensify our connection with the characters and the plot. Whether subtly anchoring the emotional scenes or powerfully driving the action, anime composers understand the importance of a soundtrack in...
(上面这图直接盗,引用的animecorner第3周封面)现在2024年7月番三集定律已至,可以看看各作品的表现着手追番了。先放上三个网站的TOP20。Bangumi 1《物语系列 外传季&怪物季》8.5 2《败犬女主太多了!》7.9 3《擅长逃跑的殿下》7.6 4《我推的孩子 第二季》7.4 5《深夜重拳》7 6《魔法少女与恶曾...
Anime Corner夏季动漫第8周排行取自9000多名国际动漫迷投票。先来看看Top10。《我推的孩子 第二季》第三次荣登2024年夏季排行榜榜首,紧随其后的是《败犬女主太多了!》,从第六位升上。《异世界失格》本季首次跻身前三,而《夜樱家大作战》也是自第一周以来首次重返TOP10榜。果然是铁打的我推稳定在前,还有...
In this post, I share the best free anime streaming sites to watch anime online. I have included both verified and unverified platforms that offer free anime, as well as premium sites, some of which offer free trials. Anime is derived from the word ‘animation.’ If you are familiar with...
Over 7K anime fans have voted on the 20+ items on Anime Guaranteed To Make You Physically Nauseous. Current Top 3: Corpse Party, Elfen Lied, Higurashi No Naku ...
With so much amazing anime and manga out there, a person can only reasonably expect to watch and read a small percentage of it. Sometimes, you have to choose whether you're going to experience a series as a manga or as an anime. In some cases, the two are equally high quality, and...