故障现象 一直显示等待上电同步或显示失败并弹窗提示2-syncfail 解决方法 对IO0进行接地 烧录工具下载地址:https://www.espressif.com.cn/zh-hans/support/download/other-tools 安信可固件下载地址:https://docs.ai-thinker.com/固件汇总
SYSTEM/2/OMUSyncFail_active: Data failed to be synchronized from the master OMU to the slave OMU. (Reason=The OMU data of [BoardName] synchronization timed out. [Action]) 日志含义 主OMU(Operation Maintenance Unit,操作维护单元)向备OMU同步数据失败。 日志参数 参数名称参数含义 BoardName 单板名称...
日志信息 SYSTEM/2/OMUSyncFail_clear: A master/slave OMU data synchronization failure was removed, or the slave OMU became absent after a master/slave OMU data synchronization failure occurred. (Reason=The OMU data of [BoardName] synchronization timed out. [Action]) 日志含义 主备OMU同步成功或者...
<failLog path="/tmp/rsync_fail_log.sh" timeToExecute="60"/><!--default every 60mins execute once--> <crontab start="true" schedule="600"><!--600mins--> #是否启用完整的rsync <crontabfilter start="false"> #设置完整执行rsync是的过滤条件 <exclude expression="*.php"></exclude> <exclu...
. However, when --replicate-same-server-id was enabled, the rotation event for the relay log was treated as if it originated on the master, because the log's name and position were incorrectly updated. This caused the MASTER_POS_WAIT() function always to return NULL and thus to fail....
This error causes the sync to fail even though the gradle build portion of the sync succeeds. The error indicates an attempt to delete a directory that to me should NOT BE deleted as it contains the source for the drawables in use during the build. ...
Address an issue in which August 2019 .NET 4.7.2 updates fail to synchronize in Configuration Manager.
destination files. Under specific environments, i.e. Perforce,Copy/Synctasks will mainly create destination files as read-only (as Perforce marks all source files as read-only before checkout). On subsequent builds, theCopy/Synctask will fail due to the missing write permission on the ...
Address an issue in which August 2019 .NET 4.7.2 updates fail to synchronize in Configuration Manager.
This article describes an issue in which .NET Framework 4.7.2 updates that were released in August 2019 fail to synchronize in Configuration Manager.Original product version: Configuration Manager (current branch) Original KB number: 4517482Symptoms...