2-local derivationThe present paper is devoted to the study of 2-local derivations on the Schrdinger-Virasoro Algebra, which is an infinite-dimensional Lie algebra with three outer derivations. We prove that all 2-local derivations on the Schrdinger-Virasoro Algebra are derivations....
−xa, x ∈ A. Such derivationsD a are said to be inner derivations. Recall that a map ? : A → A (not linear ingeneral) is called a 2-local derivation if for every x, y ∈ A, there exists a derivationD x,y : A → A such that ?(x) = D x,y (x) and ?(y) = D ...
摘要: 2-local derivation is a generalized derivation for a Lie algebra, which plays an important role to the study of local properties of the structure of the Lie algebra. In this paper, we prove that every 2-local derivation on the twisted Heisenberg-Virasoro algebra is a derivation....
K. Alauatdinov, Local and 2-local derivations on noncommutative Arens algebras, Mathematica Slovaca, 64, 423-432 (2014).Sh. A. Ayupov, K. K. Kudaybergenov, B. O. Nurjanov, A. K. Alauadinov, Local and 2-Local derivations on noncommutative Arens algebras, Math. Slovaca, Vol. 64,...
weak-2-local derivations weak-2-local * -derivations finite dimensional C* -algebras摘要 We introduce the notion of weak-2-local derivation (respectively, *-derivation) on a C* -algebra A as a (non-necessarily linear) map Delta : A -> A satisfying that for every a, b is an element ...
On a generalized Semrl's theorem for weak 2-local derivations on B(H) We prove that, for every complex Hilbert space $H$, every weak-2-local derivation on $B(H)$ or on $K(H)$ is a linear derivation. We also establish that every weak-2-local derivation on an atomic von Neumann...
Local and 2-local derivations and automorphisms on simple Leibniz algebras The present paper is devoted to local and 2-local derivations and automorphism of complex finite-dimensional simple Leibniz algebras. We prove that all loc... S Ayupov,K Kudaybergenov,B Omirov - 《Bulletin of the Malay...
上一期我整理了第一种证明Dupire PDE的方法,这一期我从Fokker Plank Equation用另一种方法证明 Let's consider a Vanilla European Call with a Strike K and Maturity T. Its payoff function is as below: (1)C(K,T∣ST,T)=(ST−K)+ Assume the underlying asset follows GBM process: ...
local derivations on JBW-algebras are derivations, next, we give an example to show that the local inner derivation may not be in-ner derivation, last, we give a sufficient and necessary condition to JBW-algebras such that all local inner derivations on such JBW-algebras are inner derivations...