In situ scanning tunneling microscopy combined with density functional theory molecular dynamics simulations reveal a complex structure for the self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of racemic 2-butanethiol on Au(111) in aqueous solution. Six adsorbate molecules occupy a (10×√3)R30° cell organized as ...
1.6 kcal/mol, while the least stable chain structure T3 is characterized by a small repulsive three-body interaction energy. The comparison of the experimental frequencies with the calculated ones allowed to identify the D1 complex in the argon matrices. The experimental spectra evidenced that both...
The structure and evolution of self-assembled butanethiol films on gold substrates:Part Ⅰ:STM investigations of the c(4× 2) and striped phases[J].journal of electroanalytical chemistry,2003.175185.PARADIS E,ROWNTREE P. The structure and evolution of self-assembled butanethiol films on gold ...
The asymmetric unit in the crystal structure of the title compound, [Zn2(C16H14N2S2)2]2·0.18C2H6OS·0.82CH3OH, consists of two ordered bis{μ-2,2′-[(butane-2,3-diylidene)bis(azanylylidene)]dibenzenethiolato}dizinc(II) molecules and a disordered solvent combination at the same ...