make over答案:C A-8. Dogs have a very good ___ of smell and are often used to search for survivors in an earthquake. A. sense B. view C. means D. idea 答案:A A-9. After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town ___ he grew up as a child. A. which...
39.protein 点评:本场考试整体难度较大,大多数考生对于本场考试的反馈均是听力考试难度再度登上新高,具体主要体现在文章语速的飞快上,考试中不仅出现了大家不那么熟悉的地图题和多选题,而且从part1开始就感觉仿佛开了1.5倍速。当然地图题和多选题的同时出现也大大...
斯坦福人文夏校(SSHI) 斯坦福人文夏校专为高中生设计,适合 10 - 11 年级的学生。 申请截止时间:2 月 28 日 课程涵盖历史、文学、哲学等多个领域,由斯坦福大学的资深教授授课。申请材料包括成绩单、推荐信、个人陈述等。在这里,你将沉浸在浓厚的人...
40. college 点评:本场考试整体难度较大,大多数考生对于本场考试的反馈均是听力考试难度再度登上新高,具体主要体现在文章语速的飞快上,考试中不仅出现了大家不那么熟悉的地图题和多选题,而且从part1开始就感觉仿佛开了1.5倍速。当然地图题和多选题的同时出现也大大增加了本场考试的难度。所以在这里也建议大家在平时练...
2、ege Program for high school students is an intensive two-weeksummer program designed to give you a taste of college life.You will live on theHarvard campus during your two-week session while taking a college-level course withother Pre-College Program students.ApplicationPlease complete an onli...
potential B、 probable C、 possible D、 continental 10. This is the house ___ windows were broken. A、 whose B、 its C、 which D、 of which 11. Last year, Matt earned ___ his brother, who has a better position. A、 twice as much as B、 twice as many as C、 twice than D...
(单选题) A. we have people calling us for parking space two years ahead of time B. people called us for permission to use the places two years ago C. we received calls from people down the road two years ago D. people called us for school vacancies two years in advance 试题答案:D ...
重庆大学2022年春季学期课程作业《大学英语(2)》作业题目.docx,一、单项选择题(共 35 题、共 70 分) 1. The park was filled with people () on their cell phones. A、 talked B、 talk C、 to talk D、 talking 2. Too much work and no time for rest is a () on
A. What to study at college. B. How to select courses online. C. Where to learn foreign languages. 评卷人 得分 四、其他(共2题,共14分) 13、 Asking for help is a sign of strength rather than weakness. In American culture, the independent individual is seen as their ideal. As the Un...