The U.S. Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM) covers more of the globe than any Department of Defense geographic combatant commands, making it vital for the military to operate at range. The region has rapidly become the Pentagon’s top priority to counter threats from ...
Question: It is reported that Taiwan’s Naval Chief recently visited the headquarters of US Indo-Pacific Command in Hawaii and attended relevant events of the US military. Some sources said that this visit is part of the...
Question: According to US media reports, the DPP authorities are seeking to increase the number of its so-called “military attachés” at the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Honolulu from 4 to 10 to increase coo...
日本共同社记者:今天,蔡英文在台湾同美军印太司令部前司令戴维森会面,中方对此有何评论? Kyodo News: Tsai Ing-wen met with former head of the US Indo-Pacific Command Phil Davidson in Taiwan today. What’s your comment?毛宁:我们已多次表明在台湾问题上的立场。台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分,...
盖尔指出,这之所以重要,是因为分析证明,万一美国印太司令部(US Indo-Pacific Command)面临台海紧急事态,海军陆战队将是致胜关键。他直指,台湾地区对中国大陆的意义始终大于美国。由于台湾无关美国的生存,美方不愿蒙受损失,将因此而输掉一场台海战斗。 据了解,美国海军陆战队司令博格(David Berger)2020年提出为期10年的...
(2) the Commander of United States Indo-Pacific Command possesses the authority to carry outsuch joint military exercises, including those that— (A) involve multiple warfare domains and exercise secure communications between the forces of the United States, Taiwan, and other foreign partners; ...
So this presents a sort of a dilemma for the Russians going forward,” Austin told reporters during a news conference at the US Indo-Pacific Command in Honolulu, Hawaii. But Ukrainian progress on the battlefield has led to concern about a potential escalation in the war, including the ...
Launched by the Government of Canada in November 2022, Canada’s Indo-Pacific Strategy presents a comprehensive road map to deepen Canada’s multifaceted engagement in the Indo-Pacific over the next decade, by increasing contributions to regional peace and security, strengthening economic growth and ...
步入新旧交替的政治周期之际, 2022年2月11日,美国白宫正式发布《美国印度-太平洋战略》(INDO-PACIFIC STRATEGY OF THE UNITED STATES),这是拜登-哈里斯政府首份关于该地区的战略报告。 完整版内容仅限PRO用户查阅 请登录“兴业研究app”阅读完整版 特别提示 ...
Indo-Pacific Ocean Response to Atmospheric Intraseasonal Variability. Part II: Boreal Summer and the Intraseasonal Oscillation. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, In Press.Waliser DE, Murtugudde R, Lucas LE (2003) Indo-Pacific Ocean response to atmospheric intraseasonal variability: 1. Austral ...