Tercet[’tə:sit](三行押韵诗句,三拍子): 3 lines, terza rima (aba, bcb, cdc, ded) Quatrain['kwɔtrein](四行诗): 4 lines, ballad stanza (abcb) Octave[’ɔktɪv, -,teɪv](八行诗): 8 lines, ottava rima (abababcc) Spenserian stanza(斯宾塞诗节): 9 lines (ababbcbcc)(The...
Literary terms: 1. Couplet & Heroic couplet 2. Tercet & Terza rima 3. Quatrain & Ballad stanza 4. Sonnet 5. The Italian or Petrarchan sonnet 6. The English or Shakespearean sonnet 7. Ottava rima 8. Spenserian stanza 9. Villanell..
The highly structured villanelle is a nineteen-line poem withtwo repeating rhymes and two refrains. The form is made up offive tercets followed by a quatrain. The first and third lines ofthe opening tercet are repeated alternately in the last lines ofthe succeeding stanzas; then in the final...
5 tercets (aba) followed by a quatrain (abaa) with the first and third lines of the first tercet repeating throughout the poem. Sestina Most complicated form. 6 stanzas of 6 lines each, followed by an "envoy" of three lines. The end words of the first stanza repeat in a fixed patte...
Sonnet ItalianRenaissance ▪Time:thelate14thcentury▪Place:Florence,Siena—Venice▪1)FrancescoPetrarch(1304-1374)彼特拉克▪ThefounderofRenaissanceHumanism,theforemost writerofsonnetsinItalian▪2)GiovanniBoccaccio(1313-1375)薄伽丘▪AnimportantRenaissancehumanist,theauthorofa numberofsignificantworks,thewriter...
Each canto consists of four tercets(三行押韵诗句) (ABA, BCB, CDC, DED) and a rhyming couplet (EE). The Ode is written in iambic pentameter. Theme –different interpretations: 1. lamenting his inability to directly help those in England owing to his being in Italy 2. expressing the hope...
Couplet- Two line stanza. When inIambic Pentameter, it is aHeroic Couplet Triplet/Tercet- Three line stanza (both are correct) Quatrain- As stated, has four lines Quintet/Cinquain- Five line stanza. Although both are correct, I favor cinquain, as quintet us usually used in amusicalcontext....
•II.Chaucer’sLiteraryCareer •III.TheArtisticFeatures •IV.TheCanterburyTales •V.Scansion Ⅰ.LifeofGeoffreyChaucer(1343-1400)•Bornin1343asthesonofaprosperouswinemerchantinLondon.•MostprobablyeducatedinOxfordandCambridge.•In1357GeoffreyisfoundintheserviceofElizabeth,CountessofUlster•In1359,...