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硒是一种非金属(或半金属)元素(也称为准金属)。 它属于元素周期表的第16组(VIA组),位于硫和碲之间。硒有多种同素异形体形式,包括灰色,红色和黑色硒。它主要存在于其他金属的硫化矿石中,并作为副产物获得(例如从电解精炼中的阳极污泥中获得)。 化学性质 ...
维护和保养 7附加说明临时断电情况下手动开盖方法 1基本信息1.1技术数据制造商: sigma laborzentrifugen gmbh 3、d-37520 osterode 德国 型号: 2-16k 电源: 保护等级: 230v/50hz. i 能耗 (kva): 额定功率 (kw): 最大电流(a): 1 0.72 4 最大速度 (rpm): 最大容量 (l): 最大重力场 (x g): ...
Sigma-Aldrich 8.07041 2-Pyrrolidone for synthesis 616-45-5 5ml $22.3 2024-03-01 Buy Sigma-Aldrich 83300 2-Pyrrolidinone purum, ≥98.0% (GC) 616-45-5 1l $95 2024-03-01 Buy Sigma-Aldrich 8.07041 2-Pyrrolidone for synthesis 616-45-5 250ML $25.3 2024-03-01 Buy Sigma-Aldrich 8.07041 2...
Eight thousand DF cells were seeded on each side of an IBIDI culture insert (IBIDI, GmbH) in 24-well plates. Four–five days later, upon confluence, the insert was removed and following washing, 1 ml of DMEM with 10% EV-depleted FCS was added. EVs (1E + 9p) were added to the...
Robust motor-driven metering pumps like the Sigma/ 2 Basic guarantee excellent process reliability with their patented multi-layer safety diaphragm. The diaphragm metering pump offers a number of power end versions, also suitable for use in areas at risk
(Febit Biomed Gmbh). For each array, the median signal intensity was extracted from the raw data file such that for each miRNA seven intensity values have been calculated corresponding to each replicate copy of miRNA-Base on the array. After background correction, median values were calculated ...
康拉德---“欧洲原装进口,铸造中欧工贸新桥梁” 北京康拉德科技有限公司是一家专业从事欧洲工业产品进口贸易的公司,致力于打造德国、瑞士等欧洲中小型自动化企业与国内客户的连街桥梁,专注于做工控产品和用户之间的一站式供应商。主要产品有工业自动化设备、机电工控设备、液压设备、电气设备和零部件等产品。 通过100%从...
The synthesized cDNA was also subjected to real-time PCR in a Light CyclerR 480 Ⅱ (Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Mannheim, Germany) using SYBR enzyme (TaKaRa Biotechnology Co., Ltd, Dalian, China). The reaction mixture (5.0 μL of 2x SYBR enzyme, 0.4 μmol/L aliquots of sense and anti-sens...
The fluorescence intensities of the generated rhodamine 123 were measured using a fluorescent plate reader (Berthold Advances GmbH & Co., Bad Wildbad, Germany) at excitation and emission wavelengths of 485 and 535 nm, respectively. After deducting the background fluorescence from the final ...