Just 2 Shots of Vodka 15 人观看 5年前,YouTube 显示点赞 分享 显示分享列表 Mixon Mikhail 3,549个粉丝 First time using sony vegasCheck out my other vidsEdit: Holy shit 46K views, noice!Edit: DAMN WE HIT 100K !!.. 显示全部......
1 shot vodka, 伏特加1子弹杯约1.25OZ的2 shots shonfeld's cosmo mix 2子弹杯约3OZ的蔓越莓汁1 jigger triple sec, 45ML约1.5OZ的白橙皮利口酒shake with ice cubes, 加冰摇匀strain into chilled, 滤饼法倒入sugar rimmed martini glass, 杯口圈糖边的鸡尾酒杯garnish with a peel of lime. 装饰青柠檬...
8.N-COUNT A shot of a strong alcoholic drink is a small glass of it.一小杯 例:...a shot of vodka. …一小杯伏特加酒。 9.N-UNCOUNT small round pellets of lead collectively, as used in cartridges铅弹 10.V to weight or load with shot将子弹上膛 11.ADJ (of textiles) woven to give ...
Four shots of vodka One bottle of red (any red alcoholic drink will do, e.g. Bacardi Breezer, Red Square, etc.) Some form of energy drink (e.g. Red Bull etc.) Method Simply Add the four shots to a pint glass, Pour in the red and top up with the energy drink. Warning: this ...
Grinch Jello Shots Tipsy Santa Shooters Christmas Ornament Cocktail Holiday Pomegranate Margaritas Grab a free printable copy of our Jack Frost Cocktail Recipe: If you like this recipe, please rate it! We’d also love to hear your thoughts in the comments below. ...
Mind is off, all I need is a small little pint of vodka To be talked into tryna walk up inside of a Shriner's hospital and gunfire They're tryna make Marshall the guy responsible For little Joshua's giant arsenal, like I'm also the reason his .9 is cocked And he brought his tool...
Here are some ideas of making the shots with fun twists: Liquor swaps: Try bourbon, vodka, RumChata, Fireball, or brandy. Non-alcoholic version: Replace the rum with more eggnog for a family-friendly treat. Pudding flavors: Swap vanilla for French vanilla, cheesecake, or white chocolate pu...
打开伏特加酒瓶(opening vodka bottle) 喝伏特加酒的男人(man drinking vodka shots) 伏特加酒& 循环鼓_132bpm(Vodka & Drum Loops_132BPM) 洞里的玻璃(Glass in the Hole) 酒瓶; 打开(Liquor Bottle; Open) 供应伏特加或烈酒– 蓝知更鸟112-116(Serving vodka or spirits – Bluebird 112-116) ...
So thanks again everyone for making this year one of the best years ever. I can’t wait to do it all again next year. I got a pretty good gallery of photos for you too. I have a back injury so I didn’t do a great job documenting it, but there are still some fun shots here...
Shots shots!! 👏🏻🍸🍹 It was very good to make friends and enjoy the night together while I was travelling solo Read more Written January 8, 2025 D4621MGmiriamb 0 contributions Segway tour Kazimierz Artur was our tour guide and my fri...