Chapter 2: Shadows of the Past Unknown Parents path Rending the Mantle The Sting Drawing Out the Cult Dead Sister path The Fall of Falcon Company Seek Logan's Aid Confronting Captain Tervelan Accusation Liberation Missed Opportunity path The Floating Grizwhirl Clown College Into the Woods Th...
阴影之外(Out of the Shadows)是激战2中的一项成就分类, 成就列表阴影之外[Out of the Shadows]成就细节(API) 成就类型 点数 专精阶段奖励描述 拉塔新城的研究(D) 默认 永久 0 目标:按照要求前往拉塔新城拜访泰蜜。 展开 纪实:已完成拉塔新城的研究 未受约束的魔法:收集任务(D) 默认 永久 1 1 目标:在60...
7月20日发布世界动态第三季预告片《阴影之外》(Out of the Shadows ),片中白斗篷成为要诀。预告文案拉塔新城研究日记 珍娜女王专访扩展阅读NGA网友关于“阴影之外”的总结免费解锁时段(美服)在以下时段内上线,可以免费解锁相关剧情章节(否则必须通过宝石商店购买)。即使你没有购买决战迈古玛也可以解锁这些章节,但你必须...
THE PRIMALS - Out of the Shadows THE PRIMALS - Beyond the Shadow THE PRIMALS - Riding Home 折叠 现场演出专辑 Eorzean Symphony: FINAL FANTASY XIV Orchestral Album Eorzean Symphony: FINAL FANTASY XIV Orchestral Album Vol.2 Eorzean Symphony: FINAL FANTASY XIV Orchestral Album Vol.3 THE PRIMALS Zepp...
Wraith Band Поддержка Arcane Boots Boots of Bearing Buckler Drum of Endurance Guardian Greaves Headdress Holy Locket Mekansm Parasma Pavise Pipe of Insight Ring of Basilius Spirit Vessel Tranquil Boots Urn of Shadows Vladmir's Offering ...
作弊模式可以在练习赛中使用以测试各种项目。作弊模式能在房间设置里被启用。这个设置允许玩家使用一些聊天指令并共享使用机器人操作的英雄。 除此之外,玩家也能够通过控制台以sv_cheats 1指令来启用作弊模式。就算玩家在房间设置开启了作弊模式,大量的控制台指令都需要输入这个指令来操作。控制台命令的列表能在这里找到。
Image by Wilfredo Rafael Rodriguez Hernandez, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons. A radiant Rio de Janeiro, bathed in sunlight and carried by the ocean breeze. The beach is full of life—children run across the sand, families enjoy their time together, and laughter drifts through the air. This is...
THE PRIMALS - Out of the Shadows THE PRIMALS - Beyond the Shadow THE PRIMALS - Riding Home 折叠 现场演出专辑 Eorzean Symphony: FINAL FANTASY XIV Orchestral Album Eorzean Symphony: FINAL FANTASY XIV Orchestral Album Vol.2 Eorzean Symphony: FINAL FANTASY XIV Orchestral Album Vol.3 THE PRIMALS Zepp...
Wraith Band Support Arcane Boots Boots of Bearing Buckler Drum of Endurance Guardian Greaves Headdress Holy Locket Mekansm Parasma Pavise Pipe of Insight Ring of Basilius Spirit Vessel Tranquil Boots Urn of Shadows Vladmir's Offering Magical Aether Lens Aghanim's Blessing Aghanim's Scepter Dagon Eul...
("What We Do in the Shadows"), Joel McHale (TV's "Community"), Charles Fleischer, Kathleen Turner, Samantha Morton ("Minority Report"), Bill Irwin ("Interstellar"), Ethan Slater & Danny Skinner (SpongeBob SquarePants The Broadway Musical), Kristin Chenoweth (My Little Pony The Movie (...