ming-chang lin ming-cheng chang ming-cheng li ming-chi institute of ming-chu liao ming-chun cheng ming-de ye ming-deng huang ming-dou ker ming-fang wu ming-feng hou ming-feng lin ming-fu cao ming-fu chiang ming-fu miao ming-gong hao ming-hao zha ming-he chen ming-he mo ming-hs...
Milleon (NPC) Primary Physician Hospital Male 20 Unknown Mills (NPC) Hawker Male 12 Hotottot River Milu (NPC) Male 30 Unknown Mimi (NPC) Female 30 Mushtopia, Mushtopia, Mushtopia, Mushtopia Mimi (NPC) Female 30 Royale Park Mina (NPC) Female 30 Hidden Refuge Mina (NPC) Female 30 Pica...
568 Felipe Valdes 50 Santiago CHI 3:26.2 Yes 568 Bob Zickl 61 Batavia, NY USA Tough Mothers Rowing 3:26.2 Yes 568 Gary Pearson 51 GBR 3:26.2 Race 575 João Pires 42 Beja POR 3:26.3 Yes 575 Juan A. Lucero 40 ESP 3:26.3 No 575 David Wild 58 GBR 3:26.3 Yes 575 David Clark 44...
Alex Chilowicz ... Music Preparation Jina B. Choi ... music preparation (as Jina Choi) Antonio Di Iorio ... music preparation Daniel DiPrima ... supervising music editor (as Dan DiPrima) George Drakoulias ... music supervisor Dave Eggar ... musician: electric cello Candy Emberl...
The study received support from Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro, a no-profit organization (Mynerva project). The draft of the paper was prepared by lead authors, with input from all authors, that vouch for the accuracy and completeness of the data and agree with their interpret...
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C'è chi schiva il dolore e chi invece non c'ha i riflessi Guarda come cazzo stiamo, guarda come siamo messi Mano per mano su un divano fatto di mille complessi Sai che sono a pezzi e tu lo sei ancora di più Guarda su, il cielo è nero, come il tuo umore ma tu Sai provare ...
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These strategies are However, efforts have been lim- ited to the above strategies and little has been done to properly utilize both conversion (equation 2) and alloying (equHaetrioeinn 4, w) perporceessesnotftShneSs2u, cwchesicshfuclainntpegorteantitoinalloyf improve capacities a small...
E chi sono io per costruirgli una casa, anche soltanto per bruciarvi dei profumi davanti a lui?7Mandami dunque un uomo abile a lavorare l’oro, l’argento, il bronzo, il ferro, la porpora, lo scarlatto, il violaceo, che sappia fare ogni...