FEMA3213 | 2-NONENAL 闪点184 °F 颜色白色至淡黄色液体 气味(Odor)脂肪味,紫罗兰味 香型fatty JECFA Number1362 LogP3.17 CAS 数据库2463-53-8(CAS DataBase Reference) NIST化学物质信息2-Nonenal(2463-53-8) EPA化学物质信息2-Nonenal (2463-53-8) ...
3213 | 2-NONENAL 闪点: 184 °F 储存条件: Refrigerator (+4°C) 溶解度: Chloroform (Slightly), Methanol (Slightly) 形态: Liquid 颜色: Clear colorless to pale yellow 气味(Odor): at 1.00 % in dipropylene glycol. fatty green cucumber aldehydic citrus ...
2-Nonenal newly found in human body odor tends to increase with aging. J Invest Dermatol 2001; 116:520-4.Haze S, Gozu Y, Nakamura S, Kohno Y, Sawano K, Ohta H, Yamazaki K (2001) 2-Nonenal newly found in human body odor tends to in- crease with aging. J Invest Dermatol 116:520...
英文名称:2-Nonenal CAS No.:2463-53-8 分子式:C9H16O同分异构体 分子量:140.22 EINECS号:219-562-5; 242-609-6 类别:医药中间体其它一般分析试剂 更新日期:2022-11-29 09:50 美国有毒物质控制法案(TSCA)目录 名称和标识我要纠错 中文别名
气味fatty, violet odor 物化性质白色至微黄色液体。呈鸡和烤猪肉香气,稀释至l mg/kg时呈黄瓜香味。溶于乙醇和大多数非挥发性油,不溶于水。沸点88℃(1600Pa)。天然品存在于甜瓜、桃、芦笋、番茄、姜、黄豆等中。 危险品标志Xi - 刺激性物品 风险术语36/37/38 - 刺激眼睛、呼吸系统和皮肤。
Human body odor consists of various kinds of odor components. Here, we have investigated the changes in body odor associated with aging. The body odor of subjects between the ages of 26 and 75 was analyzed by headspace gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. 2-Nonenal, an unsaturated aldehyde with...
TRANS-2-NONENE appears as a colorless liquid with a mild, sweet odor. Its basic structure consists of a chain of nine carbon atoms with a double bond between the second and third carbon atoms. This compound is insoluble in water. TRANS-2-NONENE may cause irritation to the skin and eyes....
1,4520 - 1,4550 Flashpoint (°c) 84 Solubility Insoluble in water Assay (% gc) Main isomer >96%; sum of isomers >97% Acid value (mg koh/g) < 5 Appearance at 20°c Clear mobile liquid Color Colorless to pale yellow Odor Green,cucumber,iris,citrus,violet ...
Trans-2-nonenal is a fatty aldehyde with a long-chain, containing nine carbons. It was known that trans-2-nonenal is a cause of the odor associated with aging, and mainly found from the ages of 40 years. Phage display was a famous laboratory technique for proteins, peptides, and DNA in...
No odor group found for these docosane FR eicosane FR gamma- eudesmol henicosane FR paraffin wax CS pentadecanal pentadecane FR tetradecane FL/FR tricosane FR aldehydic acetyl nonyryl FL/FR adoxal (Givaudan) FL/FR citronellyl oxyacetaldehyde FL/FR decanal (aldehyde C-10) FL/FR 9- ...